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Victoria Fraser Athlete Ambassador

by Alexandra Parren 0 comments
Victoria Fraser Athlete Ambassador

Sundried activewear ultra endurance runner ambassador

Victoria is an ultra runner who has completed several 100-mile endurance runs. She talks to Sundried about life as an ultra runner.

Have you always been into sport?

At school I enjoyed hockey, tennis and anything to do with dance. Strangely enough, running wasn’t one of my favourites!

What made you decide to enter the world of ultra running? 

I never had aspirations to be a runner or even have a tick box marathon planned. I ran a 5 mile charity fun run and loved the feeling of pushing to run further than I ever had and carried on running for enjoyment at weekends. The mileage and curiosity of how far I could push my body and test the limits went up, and I then heard about ultras and needed to know more about them. Something about this under-the-radar group of people intrigued me. I heard about the Centurion running events and instantly wanted to get involved. 

What’s been your favourite race to date and why?

My favourite race has always been North Downs Way 50/100. I fell in love with the beautiful but brutal trail 7 years ago! 

And your proudest achievement?

Most definitely being one of the first to complete the Centurion 50 grand slam in 2016 and then one of few ladies to finish the Centurion 100 grand slam last year.  

Have you ever had any racing disasters/your toughest race yet? 

Thames Path 100 undoubtedly was my toughest finish. I hate the cold and temperatures plummeted from high 20s-30 degrees Celsius in the day to zero at night. Suffering hypothermia during the night at 70 miles was the most difficult point I’ve had to try to carry on from to finish – there were a lot of lessons learnt during that race! 

How do you overcome setbacks? 

In every ultra there are highs and lows , being ready and expecting the lows makes it easier to deal with them . In tough moments during long ultras I often think of the people who have given up time to crew and pace and also my daughter who gives me the advice to “ man up ! You’ve done this before !” 

What advice do you wish you'd been given before you started competing? 

Counting gates and spelling tests are essential for keeping you awake on 100 milers! 

What are your goals for 2020?

For 2020 my goals are to run an event abroad and to push my distance over 100 miles. 

Who do you take your inspiration from?

I take my inspiration from my ultra running friends and anyone who pushes physical boundaries.

What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of our kit?

Sundried clothing can be worn for activities and training but also looks good enough to be worn as casual wear. Sundried sports bras for running are comfy, last forever, and no rubbing seams, which is vital when running 100 miles!  

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