Have you always been into sport?
Yes - I started off with swimming with Stafford Appex during my school years. I played rugby for Eccleshall, Stafford and Staffordshire county until my twenties when an injury to my knee struck. I then went back to swimming, started mountain biking and did my first marathon.
How did you first get into triathlon?
Having a love for swimming, cycling and running meant that triathlon was a natural progression for me. I signed up for my first triathlon which was Sprint Tri (17 miles) in Litchfield in 2011 and I absolutely loved it. Off the back of that I entered a local 70.3 mile Triathlon UK event... and then another 70.3 the same year. I was hooked.
If you are interested in getting into Triathlon, Sundried's kit is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned athletes. We have both men's and women's options available.
What has been your favourite race to date and why?
My favourite race to date would be Ironman Wales 2013, a full 140.6 mile Ironman, which is the hilliest Ironman event in the World. It was amazing as the whole town of Tenby come out to cheer the competitors on, the scenery is epic and I loved that the open water swim takes part in the sea in Tenby bay. There was nothing quite like hearing the Welsh singing their national anthem which rings out across the town of Tenby just before the race starts... it was so moving, I was crying in my googles! I was happy with my swim time as I came out of the water one of the first competitors, however I stopped for a full on picnic in T2 which put me right back down the rankings but I finished my first full Ironman!
What is your proudest achievement?
Becoming sober! I realised I had an addiction to alcohol and was determined to turn my life around. With the help of the AA programme and a lot of self development I have been sober for 6 years now and feel so much healthier for it.
Have you ever had any racing disasters?
I entered the Welsh marathon, staying in a hotel the night before the race. When I opened my running gear that morning I realised I'd packed two left feet trainers, I'd forgotten my wallet and the only set of shoes I had to run in was my hiking boots. I managed to complete the marathon but my time was way off my usual. I absolutely hit the wall and my feet hurt... alot!
How do you overcome setbacks?
By using some techniques I've used in my self development becoming sober - patience, acceptance and gratitude. Patience with myself and those around me. Acceptance of the situation and what is in my control and what isn't. Gratitude for all the positive things that are happening in my life and focusing on one thing at a time.
What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?
You don't need animal products to be good at sport. A plant based diet provides all the protein and nutrients the body needs as well as many inflammatory benefits which are really important for speeding up recovery in athletes. Also - always double check your kit bag the night before!
What are your goals?
A double Guinness world record - the most consecutive 70.3 mile triathlons and the most 70.3 mile triathlons in a year. I'm excited by the prospect of doing something that no one has done before. After that I'm eyeing an Ultraman UK, which is double iron distance (280 miles) over 3 days in Snowdonia.
Who inspires you?
Rich Roll, Ross Egerley, James Lawrence and David Goggins to name a few!
Why work with Sundried?
I love the quality and eco-friendly nature of the sports clothing. They are comfortable, affordable and are 100% vegan which is really important to me.