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George Steele - Athlete Ambassador

George Steele - Athlete Ambassador

Have you always been into sport?

Growing up in the Lake District meant I had a healthy appetite for the outdoors but not in a sporting sense. It was not until I was 17 that I discovered a passion for endurance sports. A foolish bet of £10 to run a local 44-mile race, the Keswick to Barrow, was where it all began. Undertrained and full of youthful enthusiasm, I completed the 44 mile race but it was an emotional day. Hardest £10 I ever had to earn.

How did you first get into triathlon?

My first posting with the military was to Cyprus, a beautiful country with ideal conditions to train all year round. I wanted a sport to help keep me fit for my job and triathlon seemed to be the obvious choice.

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What has been your favourite race to date and why?

I recently did the UTMB Snowdonia 50km race. I entered this race to complete not compete. Stopping to say hello to every dog on the route and making sure I took in the beautiful scenery of Snowdonia, this race reminded me of my love for the great outdoors and that sense of adventure you get when removing competition.

What is your proudest achievement?

Being recognised for my work within Army Sport where I have been trying to create opportunities for junior soldiers to get involved in triathlon without the hefty financial burden. Every year I am fortunate enough to be able to run a triathlon training camp in Cyprus where for 2 weeks the soldiers get to focus on their training and performance without the pressures or their day-to-day role in The Army.

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

At the English Middle Distance Championship, I took a wrong turn and after descending for 10 minutes I then had to climb back up and get on course! Needless to say, I love a route recce now.

How do you overcome setbacks?

I give myself a moment to stress about it then put it aside. Refocus on the goal or challenge ahead and proceed accordingly.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

To worry less about training and enjoy the process. Go for that pint, enjoy life, and make sure to never take yourself too seriously

What are your goals?

Although I remain competitive and will continue to compete at European and World Championships as an age-group athlete. My goal is to keep exploring and push myself out of my comfort zone.

Who inspires you?

I take inspiration from many places and people, not just sporting greats. Anyone who has overcome adversity and hardship in any aspect of life is always inspiring.

Why work with Sundried?

The partnership with Sundried was really sold to me when it was made clear it was not about selling but more about a shared set of values and ethics. The work Sundried do with Surfers Against Sewage and Water for Kids is also a huge draw and something I look forward to becoming involved in.

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