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Paris Wood - Athlete Ambassador

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Have you always been into sport?

Yes! I was super active throughout school and participated in county athletics, swimming and hockey as well as the standard sports teams within school! I sadly went to a super small uni, so only had the opportunity to get involved in netball, but have kept active throughout my whole life. I commute into work on the daily and try to do Park Run or an individual run each week! it's a lifestyle I'd never want to give up.

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Have you ever had any racing disasters?

Not quite a racing disaster, but I came off my bike in October 2020 and broke my jaw on both sides and still recovering. I swerved out of the way of a fox when coming home from a friends, smashed into a car and landed on my chin, smashing out the majority of my back teeth, and 8.5 altogether. I've only just been discharged from the hospital for my broken jaw which has given me early onset arthritis and means I'm in pain quite a lot of the time and also dislocates on the daily. I'm also going to need a jaw replacement within the next 15 years which isn't ideal, but It could have been a lot worse.

I still haven't fixed all my teeth, but having treatment with Guys Hospital who have been amazing to get me back in one piece.... It's been a long old journey!

It's been a learning curve, but also meant I treated myself to my new Bianchi after the whole ordeal and really pushed me to get back out there and enjoy what I love, despite the dangers that come with it.

How do you overcome setbacks?

I use setbacks like bad races or a bad training session or injury to think about what I'm doing wrong and also to use it as motivation to improve and work harder in training so it won't happen again.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

That it really is accessible to all. When I first started with a commute into the office after dragging a friend out with me on a Boris bike so I wasn't so nervous about the commute, I honestly thought it was really for only 'certain' people. I got myself a single speed bike and loved it for the 4 months I used it until I wanted to upgrade, mainly due to seeing everyone else in their cycling gear and looking way more 'professional' than myself. I think people are so nervous to actually START, but it's opening the sport up to everyone and letting them know that if you start on a single speed and want a new bike in a few months as an upgrade, you also can! I'm hoping my friends who have just started on single speeds will be upgrading in no time!

What are your goals?

To continue with doing what I love and get others into it. I've helped a few friends really get into cycling, and one to finally get their first bike. It's such a social, enjoyable sport to be involved in, so just continuing to spread the word really!

Why work with Sundried?

A great range of some really fantastic kit which is versatile and available for all!

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