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Lucy Etherton - Athlete Ambassador

Lucy Etherton - Athlete Ambassador

Have you always been into sport?

Yes, ever since I was young I loved sport: running, messing about on my bike or in a dinghy boat, and all the school team sports. At University, I focused on rowing and lacrosse, but when I moved to London for work, I realised that I needed to fit exercise around my long working hours so I started to swim, and run or bike to work. Weekends were spent hiking and climbing in North Wales, or running and biking with friends.

How did you first get into triathlon?

My Weekend Warrior friends had signed themselves up for the Windsor Triathlon. I didn't even know what a triathlon entailed but rapidly signed myself up too, not wanting to miss out! I came 7th, comfortably beat my friends and I was hooked!

If you are interested in getting into Triathlon, Sundried's kit is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned athletes. We have both men's and women's options available.

What has been your favourite race to date and why?

Doing the Cape Epic 8 day mountain bike race in 2018 and 2019, partnered with my husband, when we lived in South Africa. 6 gruelling months of training and an 8 day hot, dry, technical off road race where so many things could go wrong. Completing it twice without any major issues gives such a feeling of achievement and so many happy memories doing the race together.

What is your proudest achievement?

Winning my age group at the Cross Triathlon World Championships in Spain this year. The race had been cancelled twice due to Covid, so just getting to the race felt like an achievement but then winning made all that hard work so rewarding.

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

Not really major ones fortunately. Funny ones in retrospect but stressful at the time, usually involving bike mechanicals.

How do you overcome setbacks?

Reflect, reset and try to manage expectations. These past two years have all been about overcoming things being out of one's control. This past year, whilst my main focus was getting to the World Champs, I entered lots of UK races so I would never feel that all my training had been for nothing, in case the World Champs did not happen.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

After 10 years of illness and no exercise, we moved to South Africa for work and I started trying to get fit again. Once I was fully fit and starting to race again, I wish I had listened to advice to get a coach to ensure my training was always structured to ensure I achieved the results I wanted to achieve. As soon as I got a coach, the results came!

What are your goals?

I would love to qualify for Kona Ironman World Championships one day. I've completed an Ironman but only on 6 weeks training which was not ideal!

Who inspires you?

My children who have high goals in downhill mountain biking, triathlon and pentathlon, and a lot of energy!

Why work with Sundried?

I noticed and liked Sundried kit at various races this year, so I wanted to find out more about it. I am attracted to Sundried as being an affordable but attractive kit option for both cycling and triathlon. But in particular its ethical stance is of particular appeal (not only because I drink large amounts of coffee!), having lived in/travelled to countries less able to afford or less willing to be ethically responsible, but also the importance of educating my children's generation (as well as us) about looking after the planet now. Not assuming somebody else will, in another country or in the future. My three children have been inspired by their school's COP26 focus and are already making small changes at home - I would like to lead by example as well as be inspired by their motivation.

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