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Alchester 5km Summer Run 2018

Alchester 5km Summer Run 2018-Sundried Activewear

running racing

Right in the middle of the school summer holidays I signed up for this 5km race, which for me is a bit of a challenge as it takes me 5km just to warm up. However I enjoyed this race, especially with my new Nike Zoom Pegasus running shoes which I won in a competition!

The race stared at 7pm at the Village Hall in Marsh Gibbon, just outside Bicester in Oxfordshire, on country roads and had just over half a mile of off-road terrain.

The start was congested and I didn’t have a good start, especially getting clipped by the lady who eventually won. I managed to stay on my feet and tried to close her in, but 10 seconds separated us (and she was 18 years younger than me).

I had a great young lad babysit the kids and a nice evening off doing what makes my blood rush and my heart pump and what I love.

One of my PT clients did the race too and that gave me a boost being able to see their achievements. 

I was second lady and second in the county championships. Final 5km run time 18:53.

running racing 5km

Many people ask how I fit in training in the school holidays. Well I just make it my priority along with work and looking after the kids full time. I have had some amazing offers of help from friends and their teenage kids. My kids see me putting in hours of training and effort even if they sometimes come down in the morning to see me on the treadmill. Then I stop to sort their breakfast out.

So you can make time for it if you really want to! 

I have also been wearing and loving my Sundried Les Rouies women's running vest which has a really flattering fit and is so comfortable and ethical! I love it!

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