Nutrition was never something I particularly worried about until getting involved in triathlon and seeing just how important it is to fuel your body correctly so you can perform at your best. Especially since turning vegetarian at the start of 2019, I have to think much more about what I eat to make sure I get all the nutrients, protein and carbohydrates needed to get onto the steps of the podium.
Most days for breakfast I’ll have oats; I love oats and they are such a great source of energy and protein and I find they keep me going through any morning workout. My normal mix will be around 1 ½ cup of oats, a couple tablespoons of yogurt, a tablespoon of peanut butter, then some flax seed, hemp seeds and finally a decent splash of soy milk to add some extra protein and stop it being too dry.
Quite often this will be some left-overs from the night before (being vegetarian is the best for reheating things), or if I’ve had a big workout then a favourite go-to of mine is scrambled eggs (3 is the magic number) then some granary toast and some spinach on top usually. Simple, but a good amount of protein and carbs to refuel.
Probably the best thing about triathlon is the amount you can eat and I love a good snack. Most days I will make some form of protein smoothie, quite often with lunch if it’s been a big morning of training or as a mid-afternoon snack. Usually, this will consist of 1 scoop of protein powder (vanilla is my preferred choice), a banana, a handful of blueberries or similar, then half water and half soy milk to top it off. My other go-to snack is always peanut butter on toast.
I try to vary my dinners most evenings but I always make sure to get a decent amount of protein, carbohydrate and some fats so that my body can recover from the day's training. A simple but effective dish is roasted cherry tomatoes with garlic, mozzarella and pine nuts on top of some edamame pasta (which is extremely high in protein).
About the author: Sam Hudson is a triathlete and Sundried ambassador.