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The importance of strength and conditioning as an endurance athlete

The importance of strength and conditioning as an endurance athlete - Sundried

Are you plagued by injury or feeling stagnant with your training and race results?

You want that cutting edge but your meticulous training plan just isn't getting you there? Well, we're here to help you out!

Strength & Conditioning - the worst kept secret to answer all of those problems.

Strength & Conditioning is essential to developing robust, resilient and strong athletes. As endurance athletes we tend to spend many hours training in the pool, on the track or out on the road- our bodies are fine tuned to this.

If you're looking to work on your strength in the gym then why not check out Sundried's Gym Collection? Both men's and women's options available. 

The ability to create proximal stiffness to get distal motion (aka power) is something we often neglect, or typically just concentrate on in the winter. It's then forgotten about come race season and all that hard work is undone. It's time to break the norm and move away from high rep, low-load exercises which we get enough of through our sport(s).

Over the coming months, Sundried x SPD PT COACHING will publish articles on the following topics:

  • What can S&C do for you?
  • But lifting weights will make me bulky right? Dispelling common S&C myths.
  • The science behind progression and exercise selection.
  • S&C for injury prevention and rehab.
  • High-load vs low-load: Breaking away from the norm.
  • How to implement S&C into your training regime and keep it alive during race season.
  • The perfect plan? One size does not fit all.
  • Nutrition to support your S&C development.

If you are looking to progress your training further with bespoke S&C workouts tailored to you, the needs of your sport(s) disciplines and your upcoming season; alongside nutrition guidance, weekly check-ins and individualized training plans, then please get in touch with SPD PT COACHING.

Quote SUNDRIED in your consultation form to receive an exclusive discount! Let's make this your strongest season yet!

You can visit the SPT PT COACHING website or their Instagram page for more information.

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