The Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon is truly iconic and is a bucket list race for many. The weather in San Francisco to greet the athletes this year was extreme: boiling hot temperatures, crystal clear waters, and a beautiful pink sky for sunrise.
After a few days of acclimatisation, race morning came and on the bus from Marina Green to Pier 33 it all began to sink in. Having visited Alcatraz Island the day before to get the pre-race atmosphere, I was completely in the zone and ready to go.
Boarding the paddle steamer with all the history behind it, we set sail for Alcatraz. The atmosphere on board was electric and a mix of all different types of athletes who had been carefully selected and invited to race this series. A race briefing followed and the ship's horn sounded.
The Swim
The race starts with the athletes diving off the vessel into the shark-infested waters. That should spur you on to get a swim PB! The swim passed really quickly and I remember running up the beach at the boat club sooner than I thought.
A smooth transition followed after the 1km run to get there and the hilly bike course started.
The Bike
This was technical and fast and to be honest very exciting. My mind was focused on the run and praying the mechanical gods would be kind to me. This event is a challenge as much as a race and the 400 wooden step ladder approached mid-run.
The Run
The sun was now belting down and it really made a difference to the course dynamic. I remember turning at the turn point at the run thinking that it was all uphill from here. I ran the beach and started my way back to Marina Green with the iconic Golden Gate Bridge behind me. I could already hear the finish commentary and this really did spur me on. I increased my cadence and felt strong and pulled out all the stops to finish with my head held high and continue to be greeted by my amazing support at the finish chute.
Alcatraz, you didn’t disappoint! It was an incredible experience never to be forgotten. Thank you so much and of course Sundried for your support. Let’s see what comes next. I can’t wait for the next chapter.
About the author: Andrew Jones is a Team GB Age Group triathlete and Sundried ambassador.