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Ed Brennan - Athlete Ambassador

Ed Brennan - Athlete Ambassador

Have you always been into sport? 

Yes, I remember winning my first road race at the age of 11. It was my village's fun run. From then I was always doing some sort of sport until I joined the military, then it opened a whole new world, from running, mountaineering canoeing, anything.

How did you first get into triathlon?

I started cycling after an injury in the military and I completed a duathlon. I then decided I wanted to give a triathlon a go, just one. I was a really poor swimmer at the time, so I bought a DVD and taught myself front crawl. My first race was in Norfolk where I came out of the water last, but what an exhilarating experience.

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What has been your favourite race to date and why?

Challenge Roth, the crowds and spectators are amazing, and the event is out of this world. I have been fortunate enough to do it twice.

What is your proudest achievement?

Apart from my children's birth, passing the prestigious P company and becoming a Para at the age of 17. It is a very gruelling, physical, 3 weeks.

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

Slowness at Hever Castle Gauntlet another racer accidentally ripped my DI2 battery off. I had no gears and decided to ride it in what it was stuck in. Needless to say it was a DNF.

How do you overcome setbacks?

I just go with it, I used to get frustrated and annoyed, but you must take what comes and adapt and use it to your advantage. Lockdown is a very good example, it was my first year back racing after spinal surgery then COVID hit, I changed my lifestyle, I gave up alcohol, became more positive and trained as much as I could (pools were closed, bonus for me). Even though I am a key worker I utilized it to my advantage and had 2 amazing middle distance events back, I used the extra year as a good as I could.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

It's not all about surviving the swimming. Enjoy your training as much as the event. Soak it all up it's a wonderful sport to be part of.

What are your goals?

Next year I am doing some self-organized charity events as well as an Ironman UK.

They are a 91 km run, Ironman UK, and 3 back-to-back half Ironman on consecutive days. I just want to get out there train have fun and show others what is possible with a well-balanced healthy lifestyle.

Who inspires you?

Anything and everything I suppose. 'People', you just need to look around and see people achieving the impossible. I love seeing people try to do stuff outside of their comfort zone, whether it's a mile or 100 miles it doesn't matter, the world is ours to take just go and taste it. Don't get stuck in a rut (I have been there and it's not nice), just say to hell with it I am going to give it a go.

Why work with Sundried

It has everything I am looking for. Great quality at an amazing price, the ethics the company is founded on is very important, using responsible sourcing for materials, UK based company and the apparel works. It's just everything I look for in a company. The first item I bought was a set of Century Bib Shorts and I was amazed at the quality, fit, just everything.

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