Have you always been into sport?
I would say so, yes. Growing up in Canada, from about 5 years old, I was playing Ice Hockey. Then moved into motorsports (go-karting, and then various other styles of motorsport) Then I got into running - mostly for the fitness, and a few races. Cycling came last, and I combined the two in order to compete in Duathlon events.
How did you first get into duathlon?
I knew of Triathlon for a while, but I don't really swim. At one of my running club events, a fellow member was showing off his medal from his recent trip to the ITU World Championships for duathlon. I was blown away! There was a sport for people like me that like to run and ride, but not swim! After that, I did a lot of research, and that was it - I set my sights on representing Team GB in my age group and competing in duathlons.
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What has been your favourite race to date and why?
Hmm.. The easy answer would be 'any event where I qualified for an international event'! :) But picking one race out; I would say the 2022 Clumber Park Duathlon. Even though I only finished 7th in my age (of 35) and 37th overall (of 200) the bike leg was 13 minutes faster than the last time I raced there. Plus the transitions were some of my bests. And to top it off - I managed to catch and pass 3 people (in my age group) on the second run. That last part I was very impressed with!
What is your proudest achievement?
In terms of competing in duathlons - it would have to be qualifying for Team GB in my first attempt. It was to represent at the ITU (World Championships) so it was extra sweet.
Have you ever had any racing disasters?
More than I care to admit! First one that jumps to mind was at Ashridge in 2019. Was on pace for a qualifying place, roads were still damp in some places, and it wasn't a closed road event. Sharp left turn, and there was an oncoming vehicle. The bike dropped from under me and I broke my pedal, cleat and injured shoulder and hip. Dragged myself to the finish though - but was way off the pace, and way down the list.
How do you overcome setbacks?
I know my way is not the best, but it works for me! I'll usually replay the disaster in my head for a few days, think of what I could have done differently, and then wonder if those alternatives would *really* be possible in the situation (hindsight is wonderful, but not always accurate!) I'll then transfer those thoughts to my training. Get back to work, and focus on what was missing or what caused the disaster.
What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?
Good question! I would say 'patience'. Progressing the body to excel in 2 different sports (or 3 for triathletes!) takes a long time. And injury/recovery sets you back. So progress at a sensible pace, and your body will adapt quickly and the injuries will be minimal.
The other thing I would say is: 'get the kit that works for you'. After a certain age (probably after 35?) the body is not as adaptable, so (for me at least) more tailoring was needed. Do a run analysis, and get the shoes that work for your stride/gait/style. That will go a long way to prevent problems! Same for the bike - do a bike fit. Get comfortable. It’s amazing how much better my back felt after getting dialled into my bike.
What are your goals?
Short term:
- Qualify for the 2023 teams (to represent at ETU (European Championships) and ITU (World Championships))
- Finish in top-15 (in my age group) at the ITU race in Bilbao in Sept 2022
Longer term:
- Get my 10km run time to below 36 minutes. Increase bike FTP to 300 Watts.
- Continue to represent Team GB every year.
Who inspires you?
In multisport world - Chrissie Wellington. And my coach (Dave Newport)
In life - my wife. Nothing seems to stop her, and she always builds me up when I have bad training days, or a bad event.
Why work with Sundried?
Comfort, selection, cost. I was turned onto Sundried by a fellow athlete, and the comfort and fit was amazing. The range of options in the catalogue is broad enough to satisfy everyone. And it's very affordable clothing.