Ian Seeney is a corporate pilot which means traveling a lot for work on top of triathlon training and keeping up with good nutrition. He explains how he maintains a good diet and what foods he eats to fuel his training sessions.
Vegan smoothie with spinach, carrots, banana, frozen mangoes, frozen strawberries and oats or a vegan breakfast burrito and usually 2 cups of coffee with soy milk.
I try to make this my biggest meal of the day and it’s usually post-workout. Usually a veggie burger in whole wheat bread and a salad. I also like vegan hot dogs, and vegan burritos.
Vegetables and hummus.
This usually varies, but always vegan. Usually soy nuggets from Whole Foods, or pasta with vegan sausage, or vegan tacos. Pasta is big in our house so we prepare it in a variety of ways. My wife and I are also very in to wine, so a glass of red with dinner a few times a week is not out of the question.
Right after a work-out I drink an 8 oz glass of chocolate pea milk. I prefer to work out in the morning after breakfast.
In addition to all of that, I aim for drinking 100 oz or more of water every day.
This is my usual diet when I am at home and not traveling for work. I have a rather unique job as a corporate pilot so I travel a lot and travel all over the world. Since it’s a private aircraft, we get made-to-order catering for every flight which makes it pretty easy to sustain a plant-based lifestyle.
Plus, especially in the UK, I’ve found it’s way easier to stick to a plant-based lifestyle when eating out. Much more so than in the U.S. Being that we travel across multiple time zones at all times of day or night, when I’m at work it’s mostly a routine of eat when I’m hungry and sleep when I’m tired.