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How To Train During The Festive Season

How To Train During The Festive Season

stretching Christmas fitness training

The festive season is a busy time of the year which makes finding the right balance between training and socialising extremely difficult. This week’s blog details how to make the most out of your training and still enjoy a Christmas full of joy.

Relax your training plans

It is important to be realistic when planning your training over the festive season as an over optimistic schedule will only cause unnecessary stress. Now is the time when you can relax; try not to agonise over a reduced training schedule or last-minute training adjustments.

There is no harm in swapping a track session for a leisurely jog on boxing day because you are feeling a little worse for wear; movement is movement, regardless of where you are and what you do.

Use time efficient ‘key’ training sessions

Reduced training does not have to mean a reduction in quality. Try to maintain your key training sessions and omit the less important ones. A recovery session now becomes a rest day to free up your time for other festive activities.

By making sure that every session is of high quality, you will maintain your current level of fitness and can resume to normal training once the festivities are over.

Make it a family affair

Combining exercise and socialising will guarantee that you are getting the most out of your day. Run together, walk together or ride together- the possibilities are endless!

Enjoy yourself, we have all earned it!

This year has been an extremely challenging time for everyone and so please ensure that you have fun this Christmas. Do not feel guilty for indulging in great food and omitting a few workouts; you will have the whole of 2021 to train hard and moderate food consumption.

Have a great Christmas everyone!

About the author: Laura Smith is a high level athlete and has been a Sundried ambassador since 2017.

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