Get your daily dose of movement with home workouts that require nothing but motivation to get them done. No matter what your goals or preferred method of exercise, we know that there is something for everyone.This guide also includes a general warm-up and cool-down that should be done before and after to any high intensity or strengthening workout, retrospectively.
All of the following workouts include adaptations, progressions, and regressions to suit all abilities.
Please note that this guide includes official names of exercises/moves. If you are struggling with what an exercise entails,then You-Tube have some great tutorials on how to execute them. Just type in the name of the exercise to find a demonstration.
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10 minute pre-workout warm up
Do each exercise for 60 seconds.
- March in place
- Jumping jacks
- Butt kicks
- Mountain climbers
- High kicks
- Side to side squats
- Alternating side lunge
- Big arm circles
- Hip circles
- Shake it all out
10 minute post-workout cool down
Do each exercise for 60 seconds.
- Alternate side toe touch
- Glute stretch on each side
- Quad stretch on each side
- Side bend stretch on each side
- Over-head triceps stretch on each side
- Chest-cross arm swing
Workout 1: 10 minute Ab Blast
Depending on your level of fitness you can choose to do anything from 30 seconds per exercise with 30 seconds rest, to 50 seconds per exercise with 10 seconds rest.
Exercise |
Regression |
Progression |
Plank |
Push your bum up to the ceiling to create a V shape |
Rocking plank |
Side plank with one arm support |
Balance on your knee rather than the side of your foot |
Balance on one leg |
Slow dead bugs using alternative arm to leg |
Only extend 1 arm or leg at a time |
Hold in extensions for 5 seconds |
Slow bird/dog |
Only extend 1 arm or leg at a time |
Hold in extension for 5 seconds |
Slow aleknas |
Only extend both legs or both arms at one time |
Hold in extension for 5 seconds |
Slow bicycle crunch with both legs raised above the ground |
Keep one leg on the floor |
Hold in tucked position for 5 seconds |
Slow leg raises |
Bend the legs |
Add in a hip lift at the top of the leg raise |
Cross-body mountain climbers |
Go onto your knees |
Increase the speed |
V-sit hold |
Feet on the floor |
Straighten legs and lean further back |
Knee to elbow in high plank |
Go onto your knees |
Spider man push ups |
Workout 2: 10 minute Glute Activation
Depending on your level of fitness you can choose to do anything from 30 seconds per exercise with 30 seconds rest to 50 seconds per exercise with 10 seconds rest.
Exercise |
Regression |
Progression |
Squats with a single pulse at the bottom |
Remove the pulse |
Hold in a squat position and pulse |
Alternate leg reverse lunge with a single pulse at the bottom |
Remove the pulse |
Hold in a reverse lunge position and pulse |
Alternative leg side lunge with a single pulse at the bottom |
Remove the pulse |
Hold in a side lunge position and pulse |
Alternate leg curtsy lunge into a side kick |
Remove the side kick |
Make it quick and springy |
Pile squat with alternative heel raises |
Remove the heel raises |
Hold in position with heels raises |
Alternate leg glute bridge marches |
Glute bridge hold |
Single leg for half the time and then swap to other leg |
Side clams, half the time spent on each leg |
Lie on your back and drop alternate knees out to the side |
Add a band around your knees |
Side lying leg raises keeping the working leg raised, half the time spent on each leg |
Return to rest after each raise |
Hold leg up and pulse |
Donkey kickbacks, half the time spent on each leg |
Alternate legs |
Hold at the top of the kick and pulse |
Fire hydrant, half the time spent on each leg |
Alternate legs |
Hold at the top of the movement and pulse |
Workout 3: 20 minute HIIT Session
Complete each exercise for 35 seconds and take 12 seconds rest before moving onto the next movement.
Repeat the entire sequence 4 x.
- Drop lunge
- Burpee crunch
- Plank jack hop
- Step to jump squat
- Pop jacks
- Triceps press back
Regression: Take 30-60 seconds additional rest in between sets if needed.
Progression: Increase working time, reduce resting time, or both!
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Workout 4: 45 minute Full Body Strengthening Session
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps/time |
Adaptations |
Squats |
4 |
15x |
Banded around the knee, weighted, single leg, eccentric, or jump |
Press ups |
4 |
10x |
On feet or knees, weighted, narrow stance, eccentric, incline, decline, triangle, or single arm |
Single leg RDL on each leg |
4 |
15x |
Weighted, eccentric, or raise the knee |
Triceps dip |
4 |
10x |
Straight or bent legs, weighted, or eccentric |
Bulgarian split squats on each leg |
4 |
15x |
Weighted, extended, or eccentric |
Extended plank shoulder tap |
4 |
10x |
On feet or knees, wide or narrow stance, single leg |
Glute bridge |
4 |
15x |
Banded, weighted, eccentric or single leg |
Super man with arm extension |
4 |
10x |
Weighted |

Workout 5: 30 minute Lower Body Strengthening Session
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps/time |
Adaptations |
Squats |
4 |
15x |
Banded around the knee, weighted, single leg, eccentric, or jump |
Pulses in squat position |
4 |
20x |
Banded around the knees or weighted |
Forward, side and reverse lunges on each leg |
4 |
15x |
Weighted, eccentric, or jump |
Wall supported sit and hold |
4 |
60s |
Banded around the knees or weighted |
Step ups on each leg |
4 |
15x |
Weighted, knee raised, or explosive |
Single leg standing calf raises |
4 |
20x |
Weighted or unsupported |
Workout 6: 30 minute Upper body Strengthening Session
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps/time |
Adaptations |
Press ups |
4 |
15x |
On feet or knees, Weighted, narrow stance, eccentric, incline, decline, triangle, or single arm |
Inchworm |
4 |
10x |
On knees or feet |
Triceps dip |
4 |
15x |
Straight or bent legs, weighted, or eccentric |
Side triceps side push on each side |
4 |
60s |
Weighted, eccentric or single arm |
Rocking plank |
4 |
15x |
Weighted, single arm, or single leg |
Scapular wall reps |
4 |
20x |
Weighted |
Workout 7: 30 minute Vinyasaa Yoga Sequence
Before you start this workout make sure you have a comfortable flat space to use. Use a yoga mat if you have one or just a softer floor. If you're looking to purchase a yoga mat, shop Sundried's eco-friendly offering here.
Starting Meditation (10 minutes)
In a seated position, close your eyes and fold the sides of your tongue inward for Sitali Pranayama (Cooling Breath). Inhale through your curled tongue like a straw. Close your mouth and exhale through your nose, creating a “ha” sound in the back of your throat. Concentrate on your breathing, and try to keep your mind clear of distractions. Repeat this cycle for several minutes.
Yoga Sequence
Pose |
Time |
Breaths |
Seated cat-cow Pose |
1 minute |
8-10 |
Seated half-moon pose |
1 minute |
8-10 |
Seated spinal twist |
1 minute |
8-10 |
Seated forward with mudra |
1 minute |
8-10 |
Cat-cow pose |
2 minutes |
16-20 |
Downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasanna) |
1 minute |
8-10 |
Low lunge (ajaneysanna) |
1 minute each side |
8-10 |
One-legged king pigeon pose (eka pada rejakapotasana) |
1 minute each side |
8-10 each side |
Wild thing |
1 minute each side |
8-10 each side |
Warrior II |
1 minute each side |
8-10 each side |
Warrior II variation |
1 minute each side |
8-10 each side |
Childs pose (balasana) |
2 minutes |
16-20 |
Bridge pose |
1 minute |
8-10 |
Concluding Meditation (5 minutes)
Extend both legs and lie comfortably on the floor, turning the palms open. Press the back of the head into the ground as you deeply inhale and focus on sinking into the group. On an exhalation, gently close your eyes and soften. Observe the breath as you absorb the benefits of this practice.
About the author: Laura Smith is an athlete who has been a Sundried ambassador since 2017.