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Sundried Health Blogger Award 2019 – Nomination: Sophie Grace Holmes

Sundried Health Blogger Award 2019 – Nomination: Sophie Grace Holmes

Sundried ambassador Sophie Grace Holmes blogger fitness cystic fibrosis

Name: Sophie Grace Holmes


Category: Fitness

About: I’m a dedicated fitness fanatic, health and nutrition enthusiast, speaker and blogger. I also work as a personal trainer, fitness model and sports massage therapist, and love to help others fulfil their fitness goals and personal aspirations while I fulfil my own. I’m passionate about sharing my journey in the hope that it provides inspiration and motivation to others. After being born 10 weeks premature, I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at four months old. At the time, my parents were told I might not make it to 30, let alone my teens.

The Sundried Blogger Awards are now CLOSED for 2019. Thank you to everyone who voted!

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