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Sundried Health Blogger Award 2019 – Nomination: Polly Hale

Sundried Health Blogger Award 2019 – Nomination: Polly Hale

personal trainer fit mum training fitness

Name: Polly Hale


Category: Fitness

About: I’m a busy Mum just like you. I’m also just like every other woman in that I really do want to take pride in myself, look after my body, feel good about the way I look and have loads of energy. But with two small children (Aurora is 6 so in now in School, Bella is 3 and still at home with me except for two morning at Nursery), plus a home to run and husband to cook for and clean up after that leaves very little time and energy left for us Mums to have ‘me time’.

The Sundried Blogger Awards are now CLOSED for 2019. Thank you to everyone who voted!

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