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Joanne Matthews - Athlete Ambassador

Joanne Matthews - Athlete Ambassador

Have you always been into sport?

I got into running at the age of 35 so was a late starter and just wanting to get fitter, I continued to compete as a runner for 14 years gaining many medals in the process.

How did you first get into running?

At the age of 50 last year when we went into lockdown I decided I needed a new challenge and enjoyed being out on my bike as much as I did running so decided to put them both together and try Duathlon. 

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What has been your favourite race to date and why?

That's a hard question as in the last 15 years there’s been many great races and I've achieved a lot but I think I have to say my favourite would be this years Croft Race Circuit Sprint Duathlon 2022 World Qualifier. I choose this one because it was totally a new experience for me being my first ever Duathlon and I had no expectations or Personal Records to break and actually won my category giving me my qualification into 2022 World Championships. 

What is your proudest achievement?

Achieving World Championships Qualification at Croft would be my proudest moment to date. 

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

Since then it's not all been plain sailing in Duathlon for me, I had a disastrous race at Darley Moor in September of this year when I got into Transition 1 and couldn't find my bike. Such an awful feeling. 

How do you overcome setbacks?

Setbacks happen for many reasons, can be due to illness, injuries or like as above having a bad race. I try to think positively about setbacks and if it's because I'm ill then I take it as a rest up and recharge period while I get better. With injuries I try to work out how they became injuries and be conscious not to do the same again and cross train in some way to keep as much fitness as I can while they heal, as well as getting them treated. With bad races I tend to go along with a you don't make the same mistake twice attitude and put it behind me as best I can. 

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

It was said to me many times as a runner “imagine what you could have done if you were coached”. I took on board a coach when I chose to change sport to be a Duathlete so that I wouldn’t be hearing the same thing.

What are your goals?

Having achieved both World Championships & European Championships Qualifications this year for the 2022 my goals for the next 6 months will be to improve on my pace, improve my FTP and also transitioning... so a few goals to put together hopefully to bring a larger goal of a medal from the Worlds and European championship Races. 

Who inspires you?

I'm inspired by many people as there’s so many good athletes. Both my coach Ian Dempsey, who is himself a Professional GB Athlete, and Matthew Bottrill who is also a professional cyclist with many records to his name are massive inspirations to me. 

Why work with Sundried?

Sundried is a quality brand that is worn by many great achievers for both training and racing. They make products that I believe should be promoted onto others. 

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