Lindsey is a passionate triathlete who finds true joy in competing. She talks to Sundried about training and racing.
Have you always been into sport?
Yes, from a young age. I competed in cross country at primary school continuing through to secondary, then to national school level. I continued this love for running with a local athletics club mixed with equine activities (horse riding).
How did you first get into triathlon?
It happened by pure accident really. I fractured my foot 6 weeks out from running London marathon; I was gutted that all my training was out the window. Being such an active and driven person, I wanted to find a compromise to keep both my mind and body happy so bought a road bike and home trainer and started cycling.
A friend then suggested I start learning to swim. After a little debating, I decided to give it a go. I was put in contact with an adult swimming group, turned up and dropped into the conversation that I wanted to enter a triathlon. With determination and a great teacher I completed my first sprint triathlon and absolutely loved it. I wanted more and looked for the next one, trained more and never looked back.
What is your proudest achievement?
Inspiring others to have a go; seeing fellow females wanting to try triathlon and knowing it was my journey that gave them the push, knowing I was part of their journey, and supporting them through their worries and questions.
This is closely followed by achieving a great result at a race when a good friend supported/advised me with training. Showing them I can do it and making them proud was an amazing feeling.
How do you overcome setbacks?
Setbacks are something that we sometimes can't avoid, be it injury, mechanical, or personal life. I always aim to adapt and overcome; plan A becomes plan B, maybe even plan C. Learn from it, why was there a setback, is there anything that could be changed for next time? Take on board the positives and learn from the negatives. Move forward.
What has been your favourite race to date?
Outlaw Nottingham Middle Distance May 2019. This race is close to my heart in the fact I raced here in 2018 and learnt so much from it. I took away a massive list of what I needed to improve on, what I could do to make the best of the race and set this as a goal.
I trained hard, listened to advice from a friend, and got the job done. I returned in 2019, felt fantastic and smashed my PB, coming away with an Age Group 2nd. It made my day and my season. Fitting training around family life and work is very hard as many know so to get the results you dream of is great.
Have you ever had and racing disasters/your toughest race yet?
There have been a few! But I think the toughest race yet has to be an obstacle race I did which I was defending my first female title! The weather was horrifically cold and very wet. The course was very hilly and the obstacles were tough.
A good friend who actually got me into the races was back to race after a year out due to injury and she was back to get her title! I worked my socks off and raced the hardest I felt possible and with only a few hundred metres of distance between us she pushed me all the way. I managed to hold my own and finished first (yes are sill friends!)
What advice do you wish you had been given before you started competing?
That it's so addictive, expensive and you'll make so many friends you can't keep up with them all. That you'll love it so much you just want more.
What are your goals?
To continue to love the sport that makes me happy and helps me focus on being the best of myself. Inspire others to follow their dreams and enjoy watching them find out what great feelings come from achieving their own goals.
Who do you take inspiration from?
Anyone who has the right mindset to take hold of their own life and live it to the full, follow their dreams and do their best. Live life to the full.
Paula Radcliffe I have always found inspirational within sport, she’s such a tough cookie, and shows the world of sport that she is only human and also has disasters and the best is not always how it goes, but she overcomes this and moves on.
What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of kit?
I am passionate about climate change and to see a brand use recyclable materials to make new products is so inspiring. The Eco Tech range is super exciting. The brand and the range are affordable and hard-wearing, they look great and the company run a great supportive network.
My favourite bit of kit is currently the box of weekly socks as their so funky, comfortable and I'm able to wear them for both running and cycling which is perfect on a double training day or for brick sessions.