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Craig Fulham Athlete Ambassador

Craig Fulham Athlete Ambassador

racing running fitness

Craig is a triathlete who went from not being able to swim and having no bike, to qualifying for the GB Age Group team in just two years. He talks to Sundried about training and racing.

Have you always been into sport?

Sport has always played a huge role in my life. Growing up, I was always playing, competing, talking about it or watching it. Not much has changed either.

How did you first get into triathlon?

I got into triathlon by accident really. I had suffered a pretty nasty back injury and my physio advised me to take up swimming to help keep me fit through my recovery. A friend told me about a local club that offered coached swim sessions and they cost less than a public session so I decided to give it a whirl. Next thing I know, I'm signed up to a race.

What has been your favourite race to date and why?

There have been many highlights but my favourite would have to be Ironman 70.3 Staffordshire. It's in my hometown so the support is like nothing else. Pizza at the finish line is a big bonus too!

What is your proudest achievement?

Qualifying for a place in the GB Age Group team. Going from not being able to swim and not having a bike, to achieving qualification in just two years was a huge achievement for me.

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

Getting lost on a swim was probably the worst one. Note to self - do not sight on other swimmers!

How do you overcome setbacks?

It sounds a bit cliche but I focus on what I can do and controlling the controllables.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

Just because it's carbon, doesn't mean that you have to buy it.

What are your goals?

For 2021 am aiming for a top 10 finish at the European championships. There is a lot of work to do between now and then but always aim high!

Who inspires you?

There is no one person that I can say truly inspires me. I just really love the training and the process of self improvement.

Why work with Sundried?

Sundried kit looks great, performs great and has environmentalism at its core. When I had the opportunity to be an ambassador, it was a no-brainer.

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