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What I Eat In A Day – Claire Steels Duathlete

What I Eat In A Day – Claire Steels Duathlete

What I Eat In A Day Claire Steels Duathlete

Claire Steels is a world champion duathlete and works hard for her fantastic racing results. We take a look at what this elite athlete eats in a day to fuel her for her big events.


Banacakes (pancakes with banana)

Banana Pancakes Nutrition Healthy

I have been playing around with how to make this breakfast for a while and I think I have cracked it! The mix is made up of 1 banana mashed up with 2 eggs. Beat it all together and cook in a small frying pan. You can split the mixture to have lots of smaller pancakes and it is a little easier to cook too! I top with peanut butter as I'm a bit of an addict!


Pesto chicken wraps

Pesto Chicken Wraps Protein Clean Eating

I make these filling wraps with spinach, rocket, avocado and a bit mayonnaise. Lots of protein to keep me fuelled and vegetables for their health benefits.


Banana topped with sunflower seeds and honey

Banana Yogurt Healthy Snack

I have this almost daily! Sometimes as part of breakfast, sometimes as pudding, or sometimes just as a snack! 



Healthy Homemade Pizza

Racing in the morning! Pizza is my favourite pre-race meal! I love all of the training and racing that comes with being an elite athlete and a big part of that is because of all of the food I get to eat, and I have always been a huge pizza fan! For this meal, I opted for a pre-made pizza base and then added my own topping because I was feeling creative! I went for my own version of a Quattro: tomato puree base, pesto chicken (leftover from lunch), caramelised red onion, mushrooms, spinach, rocket, and parmesan cheese. It was amazing and the race went pretty well too!

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