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Bamburgh Middle Distance Triathlon 2017

Bamburgh Middle Distance Triathlon 2017

Conal McBride Winner Bamburgh Middle Distance Triathlon

Sundried ambassador Conal McBride is an Ironman triathlete who completed his first 70.3 race back in 2011. He tells us about winning the Bamburgh Middle Distance Triathlon 2017 which is part of the Castle Triathlon Series and takes place in Northumberland, England.

Pre Race

I actually decided to do this race very last minute. Only thirteen days previously I had been forced to drop out of Ironman Maastricht-Limburgh part way through the run section. So I decided to take the risk of being fatigued and entered anyway. Bamburgh Castle is a Grade I listed building and is the largest inhabited castle in the UK. It provided a stunning backdrop for this event and it was organised brilliantly.

Bamburgh Castle Northumberland


Race morning brought very heavy winds and choppy seas and I soon realised that the wind would become the theme for the day. The swim was an out and back 1900m sea swim with the return leg against a strong current. One lone swimmer led the racers and I comfortably settled into the chase pack. I was happy to exit the water in 4th position with a time of 32 minutes before the long run to transition. 

Bamburgh Half Ironman Triathlon


The bike was two loops of a 45km undulating circuit. However, very strong winds made for a white knuckle ride for the day. It was mostly a lonely bike for me until 60k when another rider caught me and we rolled into T2 together. I was happy to post a 2.45 split. The wind made sure the times were modest.


A quick transition and I was on the run course in 2nd place and feeling strong. The announcer informed me I was exactly 5 minutes down on the lead. I settled into a good rhythm and started to tick off the 4-loop 21km run. It wasn’t long before the previous exertions at Ironman Maastricht-Limburg and heavy winds started to take their toll. I kept on top of the nutrition and started to drink coke. The course at Bamburgh is a mix of trail and golf course and has one stretch of soft sand which, for me, was the most testing part of the day. I managed to hold on for the win with a 1:30 half marathon split. 

Sundried Mens Pro Tri Suit Winner Triathlon


I wore the Sundried pro triathlon suit for this race. It fits like a glove and regulates body temperature very well. Thank you Sundried! Now for a break from the longer triathlon stuff and time to hit the trail races for the winter. 

About the author: Conal McBride is an Ironman triathlete and Sundried ambassador.

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