If you feel like you're working harder than ever but not seeing any changes or improvements, you've hit a plateau. Follow our tips to find out why you might have stopped progressing and how to break through it.
What is the meaning of hit a plateau?
When you 'hit a plateau' it means you have stopped progressing. In weight loss terms, this means you have stopped losing weight and are sitting at a constant. In training terms, this means you have stopped improving on your times or weights.
There are lots of reasons why you might hit a plateau, but the worst thing you can do is let it affect you negatively. If you have been trying to lose weight for some time and you stop seeing results, this can be a trigger to ruin your progress by giving up. However, it's important to remember how far you've come and stay strong.
If you've hit a plateau in your training, this means it's time to mix things up and take your training up a gear. Again, there may be several reasons why you have hit a plateau, so just take some time to re-evaluate and always remember your goals.
How do you break a weight loss plateau?
If you've ever tried to lose weight, you'll know that the first few pounds will come off relatively easy, but then weight loss gets harder. Famously, it's the last few pounds that just won't budge and you might find your weight stagnant for quite some time. One of the main reasons we find ourselves at a weight loss plateau is because we don't adapt and change our diet and lifestyle as we lose the weight.
If your starting weight was quite high, all you would need to do is eat a little less and exercise a little more each day and you would lose weight. People with a higher body fat percentage will burn more calories than a slimmer person because their body has to work harder. As you lose the weight and get fitter, the same diet and exercise routine that you were doing before will not be as effective.
The best way to break through a weight loss plateau, therefore, is to adapt and change your diet and workout routine. You will need to increase your calorie expenditure and mix up your training to shock the system. Your body is very good and adapting to stress and so if you continually do the same workout and eat the same food, soon your body will become used to that and stop changing.
Try doing a high intensity workout like this 5 minute punch bag workout which will shock your body into burning more calories. It's also important to workout your full body, so try this full body circuit workout for fat loss. It's also important not to neglect your core, so have a go at this flat stomach abs workout for real results.
What do you do when you hit a fitness plateau?
If you have stopped seeing results at the gym, it is time to mix up your workout routine. If you have a specifical goal, like running a marathon or completing an Ironman, it's best to follow a set training plan. If you have just been winging it until now, find a training plan that works best for you and your goals.
Beginner Triathlon Training Plan
If you are trying to get stronger, there are lots of ways you can break through a plateau and increase the amount you can lift.
Firstly, make sure you are doing accessory lifts. If your goal is to get a PB on the squat, deadlift, or bench press, you won't get there just by doing that lift. Accessory exercises are lifts that complement one of the big lifts by working the supporting and stabilising muscles which will improve your form and help you increase the amount of weight you can lift. For bench press, make sure you're doing dumbbell flyes and press ups. For deadlifts, do plenty of bent over row and lat pull down. For squats, do lunges and single legged leg press.
If you are trying to get faster at running, there are lots of things you can do to improve. For more in depth information, read our article on how to get faster at running.
The bottom line is that you need to make sure you are not stuck in a rut. If you have hit a plateau, it's probably because you have become too comfortable in your routine and need to mix it up. Make sure that you do not give up when you stop seeing results, as it will be the best results that come after you break through the plateau.