Trevor Payne - Coach and Athlete Ambassador
Please tell us about sporting events you have taken part in or have coming up. Sell yourself, this is your page...
Fast Track Fitness - PT and Athlete Ambassadors
Have you always been into sport? Yes, I love all sports and play them as much as time allows. I definitely...
Oliver Cannon - Athlete Ambassador
Oliver is an athlete who has recently taken up cycling. He talks to Sundried about training and racing. Have you...
Swimrun – where do I start?
Swimrun is a fairly new multisport that’s seeing a huge rise in popularity across the globe. We explain what’s involved and...
How To Get Into Swimming
Swimming is renowned for taking longer to adapt to than any other sport as we have very little practice moving in...
Triathlon Strength Training Exercises
Strength training is an important part of any balanced workout program and for a triathlete, this is especially true. All three...
Swimrun: Your Ultimate Guide By A National Aquathlon Champion
The newest kid on the multi-sport block is the crazy sport of Swimrun. There are many elements to this event that...
How To Get Better At Swimming In Open Water
Getting in cold, open water can hold fear or confusion for many athletes, or others just simply don’t enjoy it. Whatever...