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Owler Triathlon

Owler Triathlon - Sundried

water bottle triathlon sports

Date: Sunday 22nd July 2018

Location: Lydd Lake, Jurys Gap, Lydd, Kent, TN29 9JW

Event Type and Distance:

Standard Triathlon - 1.5km swim / 40k bike / 10k run

Middle Distance Triathlon - 1.9k swim / 90k bike / 21k run

Amenities: Powerbar aid stations, Event T-Shirt, Bespoke medal for every finisher, Goodie bag, chip timing, post event nutrition and athlete area

Entry Price: £55-£70 for the standard tri, £115-£135 for the middle distance

The Owler Triathlon features a new location, new course, and is probably the fastest middle distance triathlon in the South East. The triathlons will start in Lydd Lake with a two lapped swim, before competitors ride a flat lapped bike route on scenic country roads through Lydd, Brooklands and Camber, before returning to transition at Lydd lake.

The 21K run section is flat two lap out-and-back route along paths around lakes and surrounding paths. The standard run also follows the same route. You then head to cross the finish line in style.

Tri Spirit Events also organise the Owler Marathon and Brett Ashford Triathlon

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