Daniel Saba Athlete Ambassador
Daniel is a young cyclist who can see life as a pro. He talks to Sundried about life in the saddle....
Barry Waring Athlete Ambassador
Barry is an ultra runner who has his sights set on a full Ironman. He talks to Sundried about training and...
Marco Barbosa Athlete Ambassador
Marco is a young cyclist who has big dreams. He talks to Sundried about training and racing. Have you always been...
Sophie Bankes Personal Trainer
Sophie is a personal trainer who has her own goals of completing a full Ironman. She talks to Sundried about training...
Ryan Gover Athlete Ambassador
Ryan is a cyclist who is hugely inspired by Chris Froome. He talks to Sundried about life in the saddle. Have...
How To Improve & Maintain Bike Handling
“I haven’t cycled outside in ages!” Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us have become well acquainted with our...
Guide To Buying A Cycling Helmet
A cycling helmet is often obligatory if you're going to be road biking and cycling in organised sportives and multi-sport races. It's...
5 Ways To Fit More Exercise Into Your Daily Routine
Many of us are leading busy lives with little to no time to dedicate to exercise. Here are 5 ways you...