Amie Forster Fitness Blogger
Read our interview with Sundried ambassador and personal trainer Amie who started exercising and her mind just clicked, it was the...
Ali Trauttmansdorff GB Age Group Triathlete
Ali Trauttmansdorff turned to triathlon after having two children and is now fitter than she was in her twenties! Sundried interview GB...
Kim Gardner Personal Trainer
Kim is a cheerleader by trade but has been working as a personal trainer for the past 5 years. She talks...
Guest Post By Guy Petruzzelli
"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any...
Should You Listen To Music When You Run?
Sundried recently ran a poll and found that 62% of people listen to music when they run. But can losing yourself...
4 Common Fitness Myths Debunked
When it comes to fitness, it can be hard to know what to believe. There are so many myths floating around...
New Year Better Me By Moses Aregbesola
Becoming the greatest is done through hard work. Nevertheless, every great athlete works hard and some more than others. When watching...
Sporting Values
Have you ever stopped to think about the brands that athletes support, promote or collaborate with and the relationship between these...