Should I Do Cardio On Rest Days?
There is a lot of discourse surrounding cardio, weight training, and rest days. No two people will give you the same...
Pregnancy Fitness Training – First Trimester
2018 was intentionally a big year for me. Squeezing in an ultra marathon (and 2 half marathons and a marathon), a...
Liz Warner Athlete Ambassador
Liz is a marathon runner who has a goal of running 30 marathons before she turns 30. She talks to Sundried...
Pregnancy Fitness Training – Second Trimester
The first trimester was all about getting through fatigue, keeping the secret, staying fit and healthy, and trying to continue doing...
Marathon FAQs | Your Questions Answered By Experts
Have you signed up for your first marathon? Congratulations! While it's very exciting, it can also be a very daunting time...
Nicolas Gherta Personal Trainer
Nicolas is a dedicated personal trainer who makes sure to practise what he preaches. He talks to Sundried about life in...
Annie Ross Athlete Ambassador
Annie decided to do 52 sporting challenges in 52 weeks back in 2015 in order to help her get more active...
Dan Walsh Athlete Ambassador
Dan found himself with a passion for duathlon after seeing his wife complete the Sundried Southend Triathlon. He talks to Sundried...