How To Make Your Own Energy Gels & Bars For Endurance Training
If you're an endurance athlete, you'll know how expensive it can be to buy countless energy gels and bars for long...
How To Fuel Before, During, And After An Ultra Marathon
Fuelling for an ultra marathon is possibly one of the most difficult areas to get right and one of the main reasons...
What Is Cross Training For Runners?
If you've followed any type of marathon or half marathon training plan, you will no doubt have seen that you should...
Thomas Dunning: The Mental Health Runner
Any mention of mental health generally conjures up images of isolation, institutionalisation and danger to society. I want to change this....
How Often Should I Take A Complete Rest Day?
We all know it's important to rest, but sometimes you just want to move! So, how often should I take a...
Runner's Winter Strength Workout
When it comes to running, there's more to it than just pounding the pavement. In order to avoid injury and stay...
Darren Pyefinch Athlete Ambassador
Darren decided to get into shape after realising he was unfit and triathlon was his way of doing this. He tells...
Cross Training Workout For Runners
If you are training for a marathon or are just an avid runner, you would have heard that cross training workouts...