What Are The Benefits Of Hot Yoga?
Yoga is a $2.5 billion industry and is growing in popularity every day, with many people practising it for mindfulness, wellness, and...
Why Yoga Is An Important Part Of My Workout Routine
I am now going into my second year of university but I have been practising yoga and meditation on and off...
Rosie Underwood OK! Fashion and Beauty Director
Rosie Underwood’s job is busier than most. As the Fashion and Beauty Director for OK! Magazine, she runs a pretty busy...
What Is Cross Training For Runners?
If you've followed any type of marathon or half marathon training plan, you will no doubt have seen that you should...
Four Stretches Every Runner Should Be Doing
Stretching is vital to being healthy and reducing the risk of injury as well as helping you to achieve pain-free runs....
5 Of The Best Exercises That Don't Involve A Gym
Not everyone is an athlete or even a serious exerciser, but want to work out in order to improve fitness or health....
Leiana Wilhite Yoga Ambassador
Leiana grew up on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean and has been practising yoga since her teens. She tells...
Larrie Lang Personal Trainer
Larrie is a yoga enthusiast who found direction in her life after becoming a fitness professional. She talks to Sundried about...