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Leiana Wilhite Yoga Ambassador

Leiana Wilhite Yoga Ambassador - Sundried
Leiana White Yoga Ambassador Spiritual Meditation

Leiana grew up on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean and has been practising yoga since her teens. She tells Sundried how important yoga is in her life and how she uses it to ease her anxiety.

How did you first discover your love for yoga?

When I was 17 years old my dad suggested that I start meditation and yoga so I started private sessions with my first teacher Karen Stollmeyer. 

What sets yoga apart from other fitness disciplines? 

Yoga asks us to dive into the depths of ourselves by focussing on the breath consistently throughout the practice. With different pranayama (breathing techniques) we are able to clear our mind and become calm, realise our centre and use that as a firm foundation to deal with stressors that we encounter in our daily lives. Bringing the breath and the body together, we experience a union. 

How has yoga improved your life?

I used to have a lot of anxiety; yoga has really helped me to realise certain thoughts within myself that are unnecessary and that I create my own suffering. Once you are able to see the patterns of your mind, you are able to make positive changes in order to experience a more happy and peaceful life.

How often do you practice yoga? 

I practice every day! 

What advice would you give to someone thinking of trying yoga for the first time?

Be patient with yourself and the practice. It's not always easy, or sometimes it can seem too easy! Choose a class that's tailored for your needs. If you need to be challenged, choose a class that will do that for you. If you need to rest, choose a more meditative class. Allow the practice to be healing, and a moment of compassion for yourself. It is always good to be challenged, you will find inner growth along the way. 

Tell us something unusual we may not know about you:

I grew up in a little fisherman's village on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. My school was on the beach! We used to go at break time and help the fishermen, it was so much fun!

Do you follow a specific diet plan?

I am a vegetarian.

How do you keep your knowledge up to date?

I try to learn something every day, either through reading or looking things up. Learning from others is very important in order to stay humble and be a good teacher as well.

Why work with Sundried?

I love that the clothing is ethical and sustainable; it is in line with my lifestyle and what I want to share with the world! 

Favourite fitness quote

"Shaking is weakness leaving the body"

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