Lessons From A Pro: Dealing With Injury As An Athlete
On 17th May, after a serious 6-hour brick session, I was saying: "It's great! No races means more training, less recovery...
Can You Exercise When You Are Sore?
If you're on a roll with your training or on a plan for a specific event, sometimes it's tempting to...
6 Ways To Recover Better After Exercise
Do you find that you’re completely incapacitated after your workout and can’t train again for a good few days? One of...
How To Balance Work, Triathlon, and Family Life
Sundried Ambassador Amber Bullingham gives an insight into how she and her partner juggle middle distance triathlon training with jobs and...
Johnny Hamilton Personal Trainer
Johnny is a personal trainer who is embarking on a triathlon journey. He talks to Sundried about training and motivation. Please...
Guest Post by Sundried Ambassador Anne Iarchy
As a first time author, this month was supposed to be a very exciting one. My book, "5 Simple Steps to...
Burnout: Taking A Step Back From Elite Triathlon Racing
"Don’t ever be scared to take a day off or allow yourself time to relax, I’ve learnt that the hard way."...
Triathlon Training: Supercharge Your Performance With A Training Camp
There is nothing quite like focus to take you to the next level, no matter what sport or fitness endeavours you...