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Jenny Strudwick - Athlete Ambassador

Jenny Strudwick - Athlete Ambassador

Shop Sundried's Running Collection

Have you always been into sport?

Yes and No. I love fitness, but I don't necessarily align sport with fitness and wellbeing. I've always been fairly good at running but should have applied myself when I was younger. I discovered my love of competitive running much later on but had already started to use physical exercise as a way of managing mental wellbeing. Participating in any exercise is like a form of meditation to me and provides so much more than just the physical benefits.

How did you first get into triathlon?

I worked for a TRI Sports retailer many moons ago and was able to develop my interests beyond just running. I got into cycling, to my husband's delight, and we really enjoyed watching and cycling together. We were in Paris watching the first year Froome won the Tour which was a great experience.

If you are interested in getting into Triathlon, Sundried's kit is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned athletes. We have both men's and women's options available. 

What has been your favourite race to date and why?

My favourite races will always be my marathons. Although I am about to complete my first Ultra, so that may well take over!

The NYC Marathon was my first big event so it has a special place in my heart, but nothing beats the Paris Marathon which was just a beauty of a run and a pleasure to take part in.

What is your proudest achievement?

Oh my goodness, that's a tough question. As a coach and PT I would have to say seeing my clients achieve their goals if I am honest. Working with someone who point blank refuses to run for more than a minute and watching them run their first 5k is a brilliant feeling.

I worked with a client two years ago who was practically sedentary and had a few challenging postural issues, but after consistent training he completed the London to Brighton bike ride and absolutely smashed his own expectations. That's a proud moment!

Personally, I used my running to work with a charity in 2019. I dedicated 12 months of running, with challenges every month to raise money and awareness of prenatal and postnatal mental health. I was extremely proud that I was able to support the work of the charity but also reach people that may have not have been reached and guide them to the right support networks.

Have you ever had any racing disasters?

Too many to mention!! Toilet disasters are frequent on long runs! We'll leave that one there!

I've had two DNF's in marathons. Very low moments but you live and learn!

How do you overcome setbacks?

I get straight back on the training and go again. I will spend time fully understanding where I went wrong, or how something happened and will create a strategy to ensure it doesn't happen again to the same degree. I will book other events back in the diary and get back on it.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

There's lots of nutritional advice I wish I was given. How to fuel for long runs and how to recover. That took some time to get right.

I also wish I had spent more time of joint mobility and strength at a young age. I've made considerable gains in the last few years but would have been less risk adverse now if my joints were better cared for when I was starting out.

What are your goals?

To be healthy and happy. Boring maybe to some but as a Mum, first and foremost I want to be a healthy role model for my son. I want the next generation to understand that exercise, fitness and healthy nutrition is a lifestyle but not a choice.

I'm about to have a big birthday and I LOVE being the fittest and healthiest I've ever been. Long may it continue!

Who inspires you?

David Goggins. I'm inspired by David's journey, his mental strength to overcome both mental and physical challenges to be the very best in his field. His determination to succeed has made him the very best in many disciplines but his personal goal is to just be the best version of himself which I think is ore inspiring.

Why work with Sundried?

I'm lucky that I'm in a position to choose companies I'd like to be associated with from a branding perspective. I choose to live an eco-friendly healthy lifestyle which is aligned with that of Sundried. I've been looking for a company for sometime now but wanted more than anything for that company to share my ethics more than anything, as well as a love of fitness and performance.

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