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Can Eating Protein Balls Aid Your Fitness?

by Alexandra Parren 0 comments
Can Eating Protein Balls Aid Your Fitness?

protein balls fitness

Many thanks to The Protein Ball Co for this article

Here at The Protein Ball Co, we like to think of ourselves as experts when it comes to protein. We know there are so many benefits of consuming protein in your diet, such as help with digestion, immunity, new tissue growth and tissue repair as well as providing your body with essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Personal trainers and fitness instructors will also tell you that getting enough protein into your diet is key to achieving your fitness goals. But is this really true?

What is protein?

Protein is a major part of the skin, muscles, organs and glands. Every cell in the human body contains protein, making up more than 50% of the dry weight. Protein defines what an organism is, what it looks like, and how it behaves, because the body is made of thousands of proteins. Clever little things!

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Why do we need protein?

Protein is needed in the body to repair muscle after exercise - so if you exercise regularly you will need a higher protein diet. Your glycogen levels deplete after training and the best way to replenish that is through consuming carbohydrates and protein. Therefore it is best to eat a high protein, high carb snack or meal between 30 minutes to 1 hour after exercise. Simple enough, right?

But if you’re like the rest of us and have a super busy schedule with no time to stop and think about eating exactly 30 minutes to 1 hour after exercise, then you need to get into the protein ball craze!

protein balls

How do protein balls aid fitness?

Protein balls are made with nuts, fruits and added protein powder. The fact that they are made with a few clean ingredients means they are great as an all-natural, healthy snack to replenish your body with protein and carbs after exercise. Due to the natural high sugars in protein balls, they can also be consumed as a pre-workout snack around 30 minutes before exercise to give you that energy boost you need to really achieve your fitness goals.

In a nutshell, if you’re looking to get stronger muscles, consuming protein 30 minutes to 1 hour after a weights workout is a great way to ensure your muscles repair quicker and stronger.

If you’re looking for a quick protein snack to eat after your gym session or fitness class, grab a packet of our delicious protein balls in our online shop. If you’re not sure which of our eight unique flavours you’d like, try our taster box which has at least one packet of each flavour!

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