Sara is a Spanish triathlete who competes at National level. She talks to Sundried about training and racing.
Have you always been into sport?
Yes, I played football semi-professionally but due to a knee injury I had to stop playing, so I changed into triathlon. I've now been a triathlete for 4 years.
What made you decide to enter the world of triathlon?
I like how hard a sport that triathlon is. I love challenges and for me swimming and running fast was a big challenge.
What’s been your favourite race to date and why?
The Spanish Team Championships two years ago. My team finished 3rd and the spirit of teamwork and helping each other and using strategy for the race was the best.
And your proudest achievement?
Running in a triathlon under 4 min/km and finishing top 10 in several Spanish Championships.
Have you ever had any racing disasters/your toughest race yet?
In one race I made a mistake in transition which cost me a lot of time. My worst race was in an Olympic triathlon last year when I didn’t feel well during the race; I finished but got a bad result and was in a lot of pain.
How do you overcome setbacks?
I think about the result I want to achieve and train to be as fit as possible to achieve it.
What advice do you wish you'd been given before you started competing?
Take it easy and do not over train as it can be unproductive.
What are your goals?
To finish a triathlon in under 1 hour 10 minutes.
Who do you take your inspiration from?
Famous triathletes.
What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of our kit?
I love the quality of the products and I especially love the cycle clothing.