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Jordan Matthews Athlete Ambassador

Jordan Matthews Athlete Ambassador

athlete cycling triathlon

Jordan is an up-and-coming triathlete who is coached by fellow Sundried ambassador Pablo Marcos. She talks to Sundried about training, racing, and aspirations for the future. 

Have you always been into sport?

Yes, for as long as I can remember I have been into sport and fitness. Growing up, I wanted to do every sport possible; I enjoyed kickboxing, football, basketball, tennis, snowboarding, rounders, running, dancing.... the list was endless. My poor parents had to taxi me to different activities every evening!

I decided to pursue my passion for dance and I went to drama/dance college to train full time. This is were my passion for health and fitness came from. Soon after graduating I decided to get my Level 3 Personal Trainer qualification to further my knowledge and interest in this area.

What made you decide to enter the world of triathlon?

I actually got into triathlon through having an injury. Through years of dancing and kickboxing I damaged my hip (trying to put my body in positions that my hips naturally didn't want to go) so I thought I would give triathlon a go because the movements are a lot more linear. I had done a fair bit of running in the past and a few cycling sportives but I hadn't swum properly in years. It was a new challenge that I was ready for, I needed something else that gave me the fulfilment that my martial arts and dancing gave me and triathlon did that. I knew there was a local club near me named Evo Tri Club, so I joined up and haven't looked back!

What’s been your favourite race to date and why?

One of my favourite races so far was the National Relay Championships in Nottingham. They call it 'organised chaos' and it certainly lives up to its name. There is such a good vibe there, and to participate as a team makes it extra special. Such a great event! I can't wait to go back this year.

And your proudest achievement?

Getting through a club swim session!

Have you ever had any racing disasters/your toughest race yet?

Yes, I have two. And both of these were due to awful weather! Bad conditions really test me because I hate being cold, but living in the UK you never know what the weather might do!

How do you overcome setbacks?

I have a good moan to my coach! I let myself feel a bit down and deflated and then I wake up the next morning and try and move on to the next session!

What advice do you wish you'd been given before you started competing?

Not every session or race is going to be a PB, sometimes it's just about being consistent and listening to your body. So don't beat yourself up if it doesn't go the way you hoped. Learn from it and move on.

What are your goals for 2019?

My biggest goal/event for this year is Holkham Half, which is my first ever half Ironman distance triathlon. However, I am still trying to train for shorter distances. Being still relatively new to triathlon I want to try and find my race this year, so that next year I have more focus on a specific distance. Then hopefully some time in the future I aim to try and qualify for GB age group!

Who do you take your inspiration from?

I have a few….firstly, my coach Pablo Marcos for giving me an awesome training plan, answering all my endless whatsapps and being super supportive. Other inspirations include; Lucy Charles for proving that anything is possible, Chrissie Wellington for her determination to work and train hard, the amazing triathletes at Evo Tri Club who continue to do the most amazing events and my friends and family who remind me to have a social life outside triathlon!

What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of our kit?

I love that Sundried is an ethical fashion range, looking after the environment and its staff. Sundried is also a lot more affordable then other leading brands, which is always a bonus! My favourite bit of kit is the new short sleeve cycle jersey (love the colour!) and the padded jacket.

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