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Finn Arentz Athlete Ambassador

Finn Arentz Athlete Ambassador - Sundried

triathlon triathlete cycling

Finn was inspired to take up the sport of triathlon after watching his dad complete Ironman Wales. He talks to Sundried about life as a triathlete.

Have you always been into sport?

To a certain degree yes. I have played football since I was 7 and I played rugby and ran a bit of cross country at school as well.

What made you decide to enter the world of triathlon?

I think spectating at Ironman Wales 2015; watching my dad complete it for the second time was quite inspirational. I started running a lot more after that and I got my first road bike a couple of months later and it just went from there!

What’s been your favourite race to date and why?

It has to be Ironman Wales 2016, the conditions were lovely and that feeling when I crossed the finish line was very special.

And your proudest achievement?

Again, I would have to say Ironman Wales 2016. To complete it in 11:28:19 only 9 months after picking up the sport and one month after my 18th birthday was something that I was extremely proud of, not to mention that I also qualified for the World Champs in Kona with that performance (I didn't however take the place due to a lack of funds at the time).

Have you ever had any racing disasters/your toughest race yet?

No real disasters yet (touch wood) but the toughest race I've done is without a doubt Ironman Wales 2017. The conditions were shocking and that combined with the difficult course just made for a really tough day out. 

How do you overcome setbacks?

Injuries are part of the triathlon package, you learn to just accept that. When it does happen, I just try and stay positive and train in a way which won't aggravate the injury, knowing that eventually it will get better.

What is the best bit of advice you wish someone had told you before you started competing?

There are so many little things I could say, but I think the single most important thing is to make sure you don't beat yourself up if you miss a training session or if a race doesn't go well. There will always be another chance to make up for it and wallowing in self pity won't solve anything.

What are your goals for 2018?

My main goal is to try and qualify for the World Champs in the 18-24 age category at Ironman Wales this year. Other than that I just want to improve in all three disciplines as much as I possibly can.

Who do you take your inspiration from?

My dad was my original inspiration to take up the sport, and nowadays I draw a lot of it from people at the University Tri Club here in Exeter, as well as from various athletes based all over the world, often through their social media pages.

What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of our kit?

I like that it is a stylish and high quality product, and I also love that it is so eco-friendly, I think that that is something that a lot of other companies should look to emulate.

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