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Tom Hammond Personal Trainer

Tom Hammond Personal Trainer

Tom Hammond personal trainer triathlete

Tom Hammond is a triathlete and Personal Trainer running his own bootcamp and 1-1 sessions in South London.

How did you find yourself in the world of fitness?

I was working in advertising, and didn't really enjoy it. I have a background

in fitness and sport and so when the opportunity to apply that experience arose, I took it .

What do you do to keep your clients motivated?

I talk to them between sessions and give them "homework". I make sure to  keep sessions on

our path but challenging and open to change if needed. I work with them to establish different goals when needed.

Talk us through your training regime.

I do a mixture of weights and conditioning. I add cardio depending on what I am training for personally. If my goal is fat burning and getting leaner I'll do a lot of conditioning circuits focusing on the rowing machine, wattbike, press ups, pull ups, clean and presses, deadlifts and sled pushes. If I'm training for a Triathlon then I do lots of cardio with specific strength training involving leg weights and I’ll use cables and body weight for my upper body such as press ups and TRX.

Do you follow a specific diet?

I follow a pretty strict low carb diet incorporating plenty of good fats and always make sure I get 5/7 portions of fruit and veg a day, leaning towards more vegetables. I try to not eat too much red meat and incorporate at least 3 days a week with no meat at all. I eat lots of fish. In terms of supplements, I only take a good quality vitamin tablet, fish oils and amino acids. I don't ever touch protein shakes. And alcohol? Maybe one night a week, but only at weekends.

How do you keep your fitness knowledge up to date?

I always talk to the other Personal Trainers in my gym. I read a lot of online articles and always bounce my ideas off others. I follow good people on facebook and instagram who give me motivation. I listen to my clients and attend courses and workshops regularly.

How do you balance work and a social life?

For me, fitness comes first and I work pretty long hours during the week, but I always make time for friends and family at weekends.

What are your top 3 trainer tips?

Be mentally strong,  any program is long haul and you’ll need patience and an absence of self

doubt .

Focus on compound movements. Make sure you work legs and focus on conditioning rather than cardio.

Focus on diet. Drop all alcohol and processed food. Eat plenty of nutrients including good fats, low carbs and water .

If you could only give your clients one exercise, what would it be?


What are your training aspirations?

One day I want to win a triathlon. I want to maintain the levels of excellence I’ve always had now I’m nearing my 40’s and inspire others as much as possible.

Why work with Sundried?

I like the brand, clothing and the concept behind Sundried.

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