Lynn Mcbrearty - Personal Trainer and Athlete Ambassador
Tell us about your journey to fitness? Where did it all start? I was a late starter into fitness…. I started...
Trevor Payne - Coach and Athlete Ambassador
Please tell us about sporting events you have taken part in or have coming up. Sell yourself, this is your page...
Fast Track Fitness - PT and Athlete Ambassadors
Have you always been into sport? Yes, I love all sports and play them as much as time allows. I definitely...
Chloe Wheeler - Personal Trainer and Athlete Ambassador
Tell us about your journey to fitness? Where did it all start? My fitness journey started when I was about 16...
Oliver Cannon - Athlete Ambassador
Oliver is an athlete who has recently taken up cycling. He talks to Sundried about training and racing. Have you...
Oliver Rayner Athlete Ambassador
Oliver is a cyclist who learned all he knows by watching videos on YouTube. He talks to Sundried about his journey....
Paul John Smith Athlete Ambassador
Paul has a passion for mountain biking and has broken a few bones over the years. He talks to Sundried about...
Jevon Jennings Athlete Ambassador
Jevon is an athlete who enjoys the outdoors, cycling and trail running. He talks to Sundried about training and racing. Have...