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Ruth Hoyle Personal Trainer

Ruth Hoyle Personal Trainer

Sundried ambassador Ruth Hoyle stretching

Ruth found her passion in class-based fitness as well as Pilates. She talks to Sundried about life as a personal trainer as well as a swim-run athlete. 

Tell us about your journey to fitness? Where did it all start?

I have been sporty for as long as I can remember. From an early age, I just loved anything that involved being active. I guess it was always going to be the career path that I would take. I was a competitive swimmer in my teenage years. Being a swimmer, I was dedicated to the early morning and late evening training sessions. I believe this discipline set me up for life. 

I studied Sports Science in higher education and then went on to start working in the fitness industry. I began working as a Gym and Exercise To Music Instructor. I took to class-based teaching like a duck to water. I just loved the atmosphere in a group exercise setting. 

I trained to teach Pilates with Michael King at The Pilates Institute back in 2000. This was right at the beginning of the Pilates boom in the UK. From then, I never really looked back. 

What are your training goals now?

I compete in Modern Biathlon and Biathle events with Pentathlon GB. I won the GB Biathle championships for my age in 2017 and also came second in the GB Biathlon championships. I hope to improve again this year. 

Despite an injury-ridden winter, I am focused on representing Great Britain in the European Biathle Championships in Germany this year……watch this space to see how my journey unfolds. 

Editor's note: Biathle is a swim-run event similar to aquathlon. Modern Biathlon is also a swim-run event, not to be confused with Biathlon which is shooting and cross-country skiing.

Sundried women's trisuit

Tell us one unusual fact we wouldn’t know about you:

I can tuck both my ears inside out … Beat that for a party trick. 

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

You can’t please everyone and you shouldn’t try to. Be the best you can be and the rest will always follow. 

Do you follow a specific nutrition plan? If so, what/when do you eat?

I am a big believer in consistency. Faddy diets and strict eating regimes are just not for me. 

I plan my meals for the week in advance and I eat a well-balanced diet rich in protein and fresh vegetables. I ensure that I eat enough of the right foods to keep me well-fuelled for my work and training. What you put in, you get out. It is really that simple. 

Nothing is off the menu. If I fancy it, I have it. 

What do you do to keep your clients motivated? Do you have any top tips to keep motivated?

I continually monitor each of my clients and give them homework. This gives them a clear idea of what we are working on and why. 

I post educational blogs on my social media platforms and keep my audience interested and engaged. 

Each month I give out my ‘High Flyer of the Month’ Award. This recognises those who have shown commitment and improvements. They receive a certificate and gift.  I try to make everyone feel that they are part of a team. 

Talk us through your training regime.

I train 6 days a week. This has to fit in around my work and family commitments. I plan the training diary months in advance. I swim, run, and do plenty of interval and weights training. 

How do you keep your fitness knowledge up to date?

I am always reading the latest research in my field. I attend courses and seminars throughout the year. We are in a fast-paced society now so you have to keep up and stay relevant to your client base. Gone are the days of sitting back on qualifications you got years ago. CPD is top of my agenda each year. I truly enjoy learning, so it is all good. 

What are your top 3 trainer tips?

  1. Be consistent 
  2. Plan ahead 
  3. Make it a lifestyle

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

That is a tough question! I would have to say peanut butter and avocado on toast.

Why work with Sundried?

I absolutely love the quality and design, but more so I love that the range is produced ethically.

I wear the Sundried women's trisuit for my races. Without doubt the best fit and quality I have tried. 

Favourite fitness quote:

"Every moment of our lives can be the beginning of great things" - Joseph Pilates. 

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