James Griffiths Personal Trainer
![James Griffiths Personal Trainer Sundried](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0942/6160/files/James-Griffiths.jpg?v=1497942561)
James is a very passionate personal trainer who brings vivacity to everything he does. He tells Sundried how he applies his own training and nutrition principals to helping his clients achieve their goals.
Please tell us about sporting events you have taken part in or have coming up.
Living an active lifestyle started out as a hobby and became an obsession. My passion is in anything that I find a challenge. From snowboarding competitions to rugby, Judo to endurance races. I’m not top-class at anything but for me, the love is in the variety. The biggest challenges I completed have been for charity. I climbed Kilimanjaro in 2016 and did the highest workout ever recorded at the top in aid of Hope For Children. That was the toughest thing I’ve ever done so far. Lots of plans for charity challenges so you will have to stay tuned to see what I get up to.
Tell us about your journey to fitness? Where did it all start?
I used to be a car salesman, but I wanted to help people. I sold a car to a sports massage therapist who introduced me to the idea of doing a diploma in personal training. I quit my job and enrolled full time. Since then I’ve worked in every environment you can imagine, created a successful outdoor fitness franchise called Wild Training, and have an amazing team of trainers working with me to deliver a very exciting future for all of our members.
What are your training goals now?
I want to be good at everything. Freedom for me comes in not being tied down to one sport or one discipline. I’m a professional trainer so I train myself like a professional athlete to develop every component of fitness. I’m working on a PB on clean and press on 120kg, and getting my next belt in kickboxing, and developing my parkour and capoeira skills. Pole fitness, aerial silks, calisthenics, strongman training and all the Wild Training functional training systems feature in my training.
Tell us one unusual fact we wouldn’t know about you:
I lived in Russia when I was a kid and played nothing but American sports like baseball, American football and Ice Hockey.
What would future you, tell yourself when you were starting out?
I love every mistake I make as they are a great lesson that I wouldn’t want to be without.
Do you follow a specific nutrition plan? If so, what/when do you eat?
The Wild 5 nutrition tips we use as a base for all our members nutrition. Variety, Frequency, Quality, Balance, Colour. I keep it practical, tasty, and healthy.
What do you do to keep your clients motivated?
Inspiration is more powerful than motivation so I try hard to understand what inspires them as individuals. Then we push forwards using that energy by building elements of that inspiration in to their training or as a challenge for them to complete.
Talk us through your training regime.
Monday - UST parallettes + MMA + whole body functional training
Tuesday - Olympic lifting + Pole Fitness
Wednesday - MMA + UST Urban Strength bar
Thursday – Aerial Silks
Friday - Olympic lifting + UST rings
Saturday - Pole Fitness + Aerial Silks
Sunday – SUP boarding/Rock climbing/Mountain biking/Parkour (one of them... not all )
How do you keep your fitness knowledge up to date?
I’m a fitness geek. Read. Watch. Practice. Analyse. It never stops for me. I wake up and fall asleep thinking about new ways to shape new programs to challenge both me and our Wild Training members. Make it fun, keep it effective, include everyone. That’s the mission.
What are your top 3 trainer tips?
- Train consistently with lots of different people in lots of different ways, it's so much more fun.
- Do something everyday that gets your body going past 80% effort. Don’t give it the opportunity to slow down.
- Train hard, eat well, make it a routine and it never delivers anything less than you deserve. Put your best in, get your best out.
If you could only do one workout for the rest of your life, what would it be?
The Urban Strength Bar workouts are unique and help develop fitness and strength that seems to transfer to everything so maybe that.
Why work with Sundried?
Sundried is such a cool brand. Finally a brand that looks great, feels great and does it right. Ethically manufactured, conscious of the environment, thinking about the future. Thinking about vulnerable people in the world we can all help. All things I can get behind 100% as Wild Training do the same thing.
Favorite fitness quote:
Bruce Lee “Do more... Think Less”