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James Eastwood Athlete Ambassador

James Eastwood Athlete Ambassador

Sundried ambassador running ultra marathon James Eastwood

James is an ultra runner who first started running to raise money for his dad who was battling cancer. He tells us about life as a long distance runner.

Have you always been into sport?

Yes I’ve always loved sport. Before running, I was very much into cycling doing 10/25/50 mile time trials.

What made you decide to enter the world of running?

I started running to lose weight but took it seriously when my dad was diagnosed with cancer and to raise money I signed up for my first marathon in Brighton.

What’s been your favourite race to date and why?

The Thetford marathon; it took place on my birthday and at each check point they sang happy birthday to me.

And your proudest achievement?

Completing my first ultra marathon.

Have you ever had any racing disasters / your toughest race yet?

My second marathon ended up taking almost 6 hours due to the trail and mud and rain; I wasn’t aware it was a trail run. Now I read the course reviews first before I start!

How do you overcome setbacks?

Take time out and think about my options.

What is the best bit of advice you wish someone had told you before you started competing?

Do more speed work.

Sundried Ambassador Racing Activewear Kit

What are your goals for 2018?

The Boston Lincolnshire marathon is my primary goal. I want to get as close to a 4 hour marathon as possible. My second goal is to take an hour off my ultra time in the Monster ultra marathon.

Who do you take your inspiration from?

The memory of my dad and the way he handled the pain during his fight with cancer. 

What do you like about Sundried and what’s your favourite bit of our kit?

I love the quality of the kit. My favourite bit of kit is my gloves as I suffer from Raynaud's so they are essential.

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