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Lara Milward Personal Trainer

Lara Milward Personal Trainer
Lara Milward Blitz Fitness

We get to know our Personal Trainer ambassador Lara Milward, who founded her business BlitzFitness with fellow mum from the playground Karen Crump after discovering a shared love of sport and fitness.


Lara Milward



Years training:

Started swimming competitively at 6 years old.

Personal trainer for 10 years

Proudest fitness achievement:

I was the eldest female to complete 2 Virgin Strive Challenges which means I have gone from London to Mount Etna via the Matterhorn under human power only.

Lara Milward Blitzfitness PT

What type of training do you do?

Running, HIIT, weightlifting, swimming pilates and yoga

How did you get into the world of fitness?

I was born into it in Canada, impossible not to swim, ski, hike, run in that beautiful country!

How did you start ‘Blitzfitness’?

I created BlitzFitness with Karen Crump, a mum I met in the playground. We had both been competitive sportswomen and re-trained out of a love for outdoor fitness and the wish to share that with our community. Our children were both in the same year at school and we just happened to be doing our PT courses at the same time. We decided to work together for a few sessions that summer (June 2009) and ‘see how it goes’. Here we are 8 years later with 250 Blitzers! We call it the ‘school gate’ business model.

Number one tip:

My number one tip for clients is ‘say yes’ because yes you can, yes you can, yes you can. I advocate a positive relationship with food, with your body, with your life.

Too much of the fitness industry is based on 12-week transformations for example and short term goals and success is seen just in terms of weight loss. We are successful if we ensure that exercise and activity stay in people’s lives and in their children’s lives and that they then go on to inspire friends and colleagues to do the same.

If you could only eat one thing for an entire year, what would it be?

Stir fry veg and brown rice with lots of chillies, ginger, soy sauce and seeds….. that’s not one thing is it. If I could only drink one thing for a year it would be Earl Grey Tea.

Favourite fitness quote:

"Pain is temporary but pride is forever"

Lara Milward

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