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Am I Over Training? Signs, Symptoms, and Solutions

Am I Over Training? Signs, Symptoms, and Solutions - Sundried

Signs Of Overtraining Sundried

Over training is something that most athletes are likely to encounter at some point in their life. It can be tough to spot, but it's important to address. We investigate the causes, the signs, and how to solve it.

Causes of Over training

Over training is exactly what it says on the tin: when you over-train your body so that it can't recover properly. If you are training particularly hard for an event and limiting your calorie intake to try and get lean or lose weight, there is a high risk of developing the symptoms of over training. It takes quite a lot to get to this point, so it is more common in long-distance runners who are running hundreds of miles a month or bodybuilders who are lifting weights every day while trying to drop body fat than your average gym-goer.

If you are over training, you will be deficient in many of the vital vitamins and minerals the body needs to function properly and you will notice the signs but perhaps not realise they are due to over training as these symptoms can also be caused by many other factors.

Signs of Over training

Persistent muscle soreness

If you are feeling sore and achy for longer periods than normal this could be due to over training. Your muscles need time to recover properly and with the right nutrition.

Elevated resting heart rate

Keeping an eye on your resting heart rate is a great way to check that you're not over training. If your resting heart rate is elevated for more than 3 days, you could be over training. Most smart watches and fitness trackers will track your heart rate all day so it is easier than ever to keep it in check.

Increased susceptibility to infections

Over training will cause your immune system to become weaker so you will notice that you'll be suffering from colds more often and other low-level immune conditions. If you feel like you are always getting ill, it could be a sign of over training.

Increased injuries

In the same way, you could also notice that you're suffering from injuries more often than usual as well. They could be little things like pulling a muscle or developing cramp every time you train, but these are all signs of over training.


Insomnia, or lack of sleep, is something that can be caused by a number of health issues. However, if you are also developing the other symptoms of over training, this one will be easy to spot.


    Take a break

    This is the most obvious solution but it's also the most important. It can be hard to allow yourself enough rest days, especially when training for an event, but it's so important to listen to your body and allow it to recover properly when you are training hard. Don't train muscles when they are already aching and don't push through injuries.

    Reduce the volume

    If you usually do 5 sets of an exercise, drop it to 2 or 3. If you usually lift 80% of your max, reduce it to 50-60% until you are feeling better. Reduce your mileage if you are a runner or triathlete. Ease yourself back into training full pelt when you are ready.

    Increase calorie intake

    If you are trying to lose weight or strip body fat, it may be tempting to restrict your calorie intake too much. However, a restrictive diet will mean you lose out on vital vitamins and minerals and this will lead to the symptoms of over training.  

    Listen to your body! 

    There is nothing more important than being healthy and well. No race or competition should come before your health. Listen to your body and take it easy, you will see better results if you work together with your body rather than against it.

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