Want to get beach ready? The snow is finally melting and spring is on its way, so there's not much time left to get beach body ready in time for summer. Hit the gym or the park with this 20 minute workout to torch the fat and attain your dream body in time for the best time of year.
The aim is to complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes, with every round followed by a sprint. No rest, just give it all you’ve got for this high intensity workout.
Summer Beach Body Workout
10 Walkouts
Stand with your feet hip width apart. Bend over and place your hands on the ground in front of you, as close to your feet as possible. Now walk your hands out until they are underneath your shoulders and you’re in the full plank position. Reverse the exercise by walking your hands back towards your feet, bum in the air and then standing back up when you can’t walk your hands back any further.
10 Skaters
Start in a small squat. Jump sideways to the left, landing on your left leg. Bring your right leg behind to your left ankle, without letting it touch the floor. Reverse direction by jumping to the right with your right leg. Swing your arms to help build momentum to propel you further, like you were ice skating. A jump in both directions counts as 1 rep.
10 Lateral jump burpees
Start by completing a regular burpee, but then instead of exploding back to your start position, launch yourself sideways. Keep your feet together and jump laterally before completing the next burpee.
10 Roll back sit ups
Lie on the ground and curl your legs up towards your chest, using your bent legs as levers roll up onto your shoulder blades. Rock forward into a sit up, using the momentum to carry the movement on until you are stood all the way up. Jump at the top of the movement and then lie back down ready for the next move.
10 Split leg thrusters
Start in and extended plank with your hands under your shoulders on the ground. Jump your legs forward towards your hands, splitting them to land towards either shoulder and then jump to return them to the start.
10 Hindu push ups
This move looks like a cross between a yoga flow and a push up. Start in a downward dog position. Hand under your shoulders, legs straight and bum in the air so your body forms a V shape. In a swooping motion, leading with the head, drive your head through your hands and lower your stomach, arching your back so you finish in up dog. Reverse the fluid movement leading with your bum. Try to keep the entire movement smooth and fluid and don’t hold your breath!
10 Mountain climbers
Start in an extended plank, hands under shoulders. Run your feet into your chest as fast as you can. One rep counts as each knee moving forward and back.
10 Jump squat reaches
Start by coming onto all fours and then hover your knees off the ground. From this position jump your feet into a wide squat, they should land either side of your hands. Once your feet land, sink all your weight back into your heels and reach both arms up towards the sky. Pause in this deep squat reach, before bringing your hands back down to the outsides of your shoulders and jumping your feet back to all fours. This move requires good flexibility as well as balance.
Option 1: Sprint as fast as you can between two markers for 30 seconds.
Option 2: Got no room? Sprint on the spot, bring your knees up higher to add intensity.
That’s one round complete, the aim is to do as many as you can in 20 minutes.