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VITL Vitamins and Supplements

Reviews VITL Vitamins and Supplements Sundried Activewear

VITL Vitamins Supplements

VITL is a vitamin supplement company who send bespoke packages to its customers based on their personal needs. Launched in 2015 by Jonathan Relph, VITL provides customers with boxes of supplements delivered through their letter box on a subscription service.

VITL has generic plans on offer as well as tailored plans available through their app. The generic plans provide a 28-day supply of daily vitamins. The Essential 2 package is one of the generic packages on offer and includes a multi vitamin which supports your immune system and improves your general health, an Omega 3 tablet to keep a healthy heart and brain functions, and a calcium tablet to support a healthy nervous system and help with muscle functions.This package also has a super greens tablet which includes 15 antioxidant-rich phytonutrients from superfoods such as kale to help fight free radicals in the body.

For the tailored package, you answer a series of questions about your life and general health, and a representative from VITL will then build you a package of vitamins and supplements which are bespoke to you and your needs.

VITL Supplements Healthy Live Strong

The Essentials 2 is only £17.95 (the images are of this pack) and the Essentials 4 is £35.95. There is a Vitamin D pouch which costs £7.50 and is only available as a one-off purchase. You can buy on the Vitl website. 

Written by Matt Sladden

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