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Nibble Brownie Bites Healthy Snack Review

Nibble Brownie Bites Healthy Snack Review-Sundried Activewear

Nibble Protein Brownie Bites Review Sundried

Nibble Brownie Bites are the second product to be launched by Nibble Protein, founded by Erin Moroney. They have been designed to appeal to those who want that super healthy, low sugar, protein-packed snack but with the taste of a naughty treat. Here at Sundried we were lucky enough to get to taste test and give our verdict.

Choc Orange Brownie with 72% dark chocolate chips

The choc orange brownie bites contain only 3.8g of sugar per bag which is great for people trying to lose weight while still enjoying delicious snacks.The secret ingredient is dried plum purée, which gives a beautiful sweet taste without all the sugar. 

I absolutely love the small and convenient size of the pieces and I think the serving size is just right. The bites are super soft and gooey, just what you want in a brownie! The orange taste comes through beautifully without being overpowering and there's a real tang in the background.

The overall taste is dark and decadent and the texture is perfect. This classic flavour pairing is a real winner!

Nibble Protein Choc Orange Brownie Review

Choc Walnut Brownie with walnut pieces

The real walnut pieces in the choc walnut brownie add a wonderful depth of flavour and give them such an authentic taste. As with all the brownies in this range, these bites are dairy free, gluten free, and vegan which means they're perfect for anyone on a free-from diet due to a food intolerance or people following a vegan  lifestyle. 

As with the choc orange brownie bites, these healthy treats are devilishly dark and moreish and are the perfect solution to a chocolate craving.

Nibble Protein choc walnut brownie review

Mint Choc Brownie with cacao nibs

 The mint choc brownie with cacao nibs was definitely my favourite of the three flavours on offer. I've always been a big fan of mint chocolate chip ice cream and as soon as I popped the delicious bite into my mouth, that's the feeling I got. The mint flavour is strong without being overpowering and is very refreshing. It really lightens the dark, chocolate brownie flavour and sticks around for some time after you finish the bite making it more satisfying.

Again, the texture of the bite is absolutely perfect - brownies can be tough to master! This is the perfect treat if you're after something naughty but nice without ruining your diet. 

Nibble Choc Orange Protein


These bites really are the full package. They're vegan, dairy free, and gluten free meaning they can be enjoyed by just about anyone, and they are satisfying and nutritious too. They contain a generous helping of protein and have significantly less sugar than their competitors. At under 100 calories per bag, they're perfect for lunch boxes, gym bags, or to take to work and could be the answer to your healthy snack prayers!

Nibble Brownie Bites are available from Ocado, Harvey Nichols, Harrods, Fenwick, Amazon, other health food outlets, or direct from They retail at £1.49 per bag. 

Nibble Choc Brownie Protein healthy snack

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