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F3 Events Conquer The Chilterns Race Report

F3 Events Conquer The Chilterns Race Report

Photo courtesy of Richard Knight Photography

F3 events have gone above and beyond in organising this multi sport event, especially during these trying times when restrictive social distancing measures have strained everyone over the past few months.

Conquer The Chilterns is a festival of events that consists of several races, including a river swim, duathlon, triathlon and trail run. It attracted many enthusiastic athletes, featured two separate areas for transition, a beautiful and scenic location, and wonderful September weather, all of which made up for the limitations that people had to follow to make the event happen safely and securely.

Firstly, a huge thank you must go to the F3 Events staff, the marshals, and the volunteers who coordinated, supported and cheered the athletes. The different events and the numerous activities would not have gone as smoothly as they did if not for the outstanding effort and enthusiasm of the staff. Kudos!

I raced in the sprint triathlon, so other races were already in progress when I arrived; nonetheless, the different areas (parking, transition areas, enquiries booth) were brilliantly set up so that the flow of events was never interrupted or disrupted. It was the first time I had to use two different transition areas for a race, but the set-up made the race flow smoothly. The transition areas were set up to guarantee the required 2-meter distance between athletes, and the one-way transit system put in place provided a safe and secure passageway for athletes and staff.

The Swim

The swim had us starting individually in the water to ensure distance from each other, the track was well marked and swimmer safety was well considered. The sun rising over the hazy water of the Thames was beautiful.

The Bike

Onward to the first transition and to the bike course. It was well sign-posted and marshals were positioned to facilitate athletes and alert for possible traffic. There was plenty of support out on the course from EVO triathlon club members and other athletes. The bike climb was…let's say, a little hilly, but the beautiful chilterns scenery helped to take the mind off the pain!

The Run

Finally, the run course, a lap in the woods with yet another climb, but I still managed a dash to the finish line!

It was a great experience with a friendly atmosphere in an amazing location with professional staff. What a fun race! I will definitely be back next year.

About the author: Pasquale Lamberti is a triathlete and member of EVO Triathlon Club.

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