Abbie Roberts Athlete Ambassador
Abbie comes from a swimming background and found a natural progression to triathlon via duathlon. She talks to Sundried about racing...
Joe Loughman Athlete Ambassador
Joe was inspired to try a triathlon by his friend who is a GB Age Grouper. He talks to Sundried about...
Ibai Crespo Jairo Athlete Ambassador
Ibai is a Spanish athlete who found the natural progression to triathlon after finding success in swimming, cycling, and running separately....
Lewys Blore Athlete Ambassador
Lewys is a triathlete who enjoys pushing his limits and has some big goals for the year ahead. He talks to...
Flora Gallandi Athlete Ambassador
Flora is a German athlete who also competes in the interesting sport of dragon boat racing. She talks to Sundried about...
Charlie Harding Athlete Ambassador
Charlie is a young triathlete who has big aspirations for the future. He talks to Sundried about training and racing. Have...
Brett Halliwell Athlete Ambassador
Brett found a natural progression to triathlon from a running background and has since competed at a world level and gained...
Andy Patrick Athlete Ambassador
Andy made the progression to triathlon from running and has since completed a full Ironman. He talks to Sundried about training...