Have you always been into sport?
Always, ever since I can remember I have been into sport. I think its driven by my competitive nature and desire to always be the best I can. One of my first memories is throwing my toys out my pram because I came 2nd at school sports day. I have become a lot more gracious in defeat now but the desire to win is still there!
How did you first get into triathlon?
I come from a cycle road racing background. That's my main discipline and focus but through the fitness it has given me I can naturally run quite well, so have scheduled to race a couple of triathlons this year as competitive fun.
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What has been your favourite race to date and why?
I’m going for Letchworth Crit Race. I enjoy all my races for various reasons but that was my first win. I got in a break away with 4 other riders, averaged 187 BPM hr so was suffering but knew others were suffering with me. I have a strong sprint so comfortably won and had my parents there to celebrate with me, I think that was the best bit about the whole thing!
What is your proudest achievement?
Achieving my Cat 2 Road Race License. I had a challenging season before through illness so came back on a mission. I had a set back in the season explained in the next question but dusted myself down, reset and won the final race of the season and achieved enough points for the Cat 2.
Have you ever had any racing disasters?
Only 1 thankfully, I was competing on my local 10 mile TT and took on a lorry. Needless to say I lost but was rewarded with a trip down A+E and broken bike. To top it off I was on for a PB.
How do you overcome setbacks?
I have come to understand that both in life and sport set backs happen. I analyse what happened to cause it, plan and go again making sure to have used the experience to learn from and be even better. I will also go out on my bike, no speedo, just a chilled ride to remind myself of why I got into cycling in the first place, its important not to forget what you love about the sport.
What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?
Don't forget why you enjoy competing in the first place. Be it a run or cycle, sometimes its good to go out, irrelevant of speed and enjoy the freedom it brings.
What are your goals?
I want to reach my elite category cycle license, achieve a 400W FTP and sub 18min 5KM.
Who inspires you?
I get very inspired by athletes and their stories/achievements in general. Because I have an understanding of what it takes to be where they are I can naturally respect what they achieve. My stand out athletes are Fernando Alonso, Tom Brady and Remco Evenepoel.
Why work with Sundried?
I really like the values of the brand. I was drawn to them as a customer first, but then as I got to know more about them I realised that they are a brand I want to spread the word about and grow with.