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Sundried Winter Metcon Workout

Sundried Winter Metcon Workout

winter metcon workout by Sundried get fit

Staying fit and active in winter takes a lot of motivation and it can be easy to succumb to hibernation mode and comfort food. Try this heart-pumping winter metcon workout to keep your fitness up this festive period.

Related: What Is A Metcon Workout?

Winter Metcon Workout

EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute | 10 minutes total |

  1. 5 burpees
  2. 15 kettlebell swings (men use 16kg, women use 10kg)
  3. 5 inch worms
  4. 10 press ups
  5. 10 jumping squats
  6. 20 mountain climbers
  7. 10 push press (men use 10kg medicine ball, women use 5kg)
  8. 20 stiff legged deadlifts (men use 12kg dumbbells, women use 8kg)
  9. 10 jumping lunges
  10. 10 star jumps

Rest for 5 minutes

AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible | 5 minutes total |

  1. Jumping lunges – 60 seconds
  2. Clean and press – 90 seconds – 50% of your 1RM
  3. Deadlifts – 90 seconds – 70% of your 1RM
  4. Overhead press – 60 seconds –50% of your 1RM

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